Tuesday, 17 May 2016


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

I'm a smart cookie and no mistake.  You doubt it?  Well, I'm smart enough to know that none of you are here to read anything I have to say.  No, you're all here for the pretty piccies.  So without any further ado, here are fourteen of them - enjoy!

Note that although REED is standing behind JOHNNY, his legs are in
front of his junior partner, making it look as if the TORCH is hovering


John Pitt said...

Yeah, that's a mistake, Reed's arm and shoulder need to be redrawn in front of Johnny!

Mondo said...

The 'F.F.'s Incredible Allies: The Uncanny Inhumans!' looks familiar do you know where that one's taken from?

Kid said...

Kirby was never entirely consistent in that department, JP, but his storytelling skills made up for it.


They're from FF #127 or 128, MM. It's definitely one of them, but my issues aren't at hand to check. I'll look them out later.

Phil said...

Had captain Britain, fury with the moon, cap, the ff.
I had the Nick fury taped to my window so the sun could shine through and make it look all cool. I stuck the FF on the wall because it's Kirby !

Kid said...

And now you've got them again, Phil. Result!

B Smith said...

The Inhumans pic, and the the three following, are all from FF #128.

Kid said...

Thanks, BS, I knew it was either that ish or the one before it. That'll save me digging them out.

Anonymous said...

Kid, is there really anything wrong with that Kirby picture ? Reed's right foot (our right) is level with Johnny's feet while his left foot and leg are projected forward. Anyway, wasn't that picture on the back of an FF Treasury Edition ? The Nick Fury in space picture has the Earth exploding in the background - was was that about ?

Kid said...

Yes, there really is, CJ. Reed's left leg (his left) isn't quite on the same level as Johnny's, but, granted, it is almost. However, if it is level, why is it so small compared to Johnny's feet? (And don't say Johnny wears size 14s and Reeds wears size 8s.) And although Reed's right leg (his right) is slightly forward, that would only work if he was standing beside Johnny, not behind him. In fact, Reed's leg looks more forward than it is because Johnny seems to be standing on an invisible box. The curve of Reed's trunks above his leg isn't as pronounced as it would be if his leg was as far forward as you suggest. So on that one point, it's wrong on so many levels.

Anonymous said...

Okay, okay. Actually, Johnny's feet look too big now that I look closely - but what about my other two questions ?

Kid said...

Yup, the pin-up was on the back of the 2nd FF Treasury Edition, and I'm not sure why the Earth (if it is) is exploding. Probably just symbolic of the possible fate of the Earth in that particular issue.

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