I bought the above comic when it first came out because the cover was based on ACTION COMICS #1, but I recently acquired a few subsequent issues from someone I know. "So why not do a gallery?" thought I. No sooner said than done, so here it is.
I'm not sure which covers are standard and which are variants, although I suspect that the ads feature the standard ones, but you can argue that out amongst yourselves. The mag was cancelled with #12, so I might track down the remaining issues to complete the set. If I ever do, I'll post them.
I've reprinted an old post after the last cover because it details my own (unofficial) association with POPEYE when I was a mere schoolkid. Consider it a bonus, wanted or not.
The other cover to #1 |
This one's a mistake - it's actually the cover to #5 |
It's worth seeing again |
You saw the ad, now here's the full cover |
When I was at secondary school in the '70s, my main claim to fame was drawing POPEYE. My classmates were always pleading with me in earnest tones, "Draw Popeye, Robson, draw Popeye!" They were entranced by the sailor's image coming to life on the page (in the back of a school jotter usually) with only a few deft scribbles. The celebrity status accorded me, the adulation bestowed upon my exalted self, the esteem in which I was held - it was almost intoxicating as I strode heroically through the school corridors.
"Look!", cried awestruck lesser pupils as I passed, prostrating themselves in obeisance, "Tis the Mighty Robson, he who is to be regarded as unto a god by we lowly mortals! All hail the Mighty Robson!" Even teachers aligned themselves with the 'Cult of Robson' as it came to be known; I often used to hear them refer to me (in hushed tones and from a respectful distance naturally) as "a bit of a cult!"
Well, okay - I might, perhaps, have indulged in just the slightest bit of hyperbole halfway through that little reminiscence, but only a tad. The reality was pretty close to how I recall. (Cough!)
Anyway, I've continued to draw Popeye from time to time over the years, and above is a picture I whipped up for someone-or-other in the 1990s. DUNN KWIK is one of many pseudonyms I use on occasion, the afore-mentioned being reserved for stuff produced in a bit of a hurry. Still - not too shabby, is it?