Saturday 16 April 2016


Went for a meal with LYNDSAY
WAGNER last night.  When I said I'd get
the bill, I never realized it'd cost 6 million
dollars.  Those bionic gals are expensive.
 (Don't worry, Crivs, I can afford it.)


Mark Farbrother said...

I loved Lyndsay Wagner when I was young, an early crush of mine in my youth, along with Kate Jackson from Charlies Angels, there's a babe you should feature.. IMHO.

Kid said...

Kate Jackson duly noted for future inclusion as a Babe, MF. Here's a question for you - Farrah or Cheryl?

Mark Farbrother said...

Cheryl wins for me! That's not to say Farrah wasn't gorgeous, it's just Cheryl had a certain something extra.

Kid said...

I'm still undecided. Not that I'd ever have got the chance to choose between them for a date anyway, MF.

Phil said...

she had a real 70s feel to her look didn't she? That natural look. I met her a few years ago at a convention.

Kid said...

Lucky you, Phil. What other female TV or movie stars have you met?

Phil said...

They come to the big autograph convention. Debbie Reynolds! The biggest name I've met. Also Shirley Jones. Caroline Munro ( one of my faves and a real nice lady). Stefanie Powers from Hart to Hart. Rita Moreno. Dawn Wells from Gilligan's Island. Barbara Eden. Elvira mistress of the dark! Angie Dickinson. Sally Kellerman. Barbara Feldon from Get Smart. Erin Gray from Buck Rogers, another nice lady. Morgan Fairchild who looks awesome and is also great. The two I was most star struck and tongue tied were Debbie Reynolds and Shirley Jones as they're legends from the golden age.
Most of them still live local except Caroline Munro of course.
Lots of material for your research right there!

Kid said...

Lucky man, Phil. Did you ever use your Dr. Strange powers to put any of them under your spell?

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