Admit it - you thought I'd forgotten, didn't you? O ye of little faith. How could I possibly forget the next chapter in the unfolding saga of FOOM covers and select pages which I lovingly scan and prepare for your image-hungry eyes, and serve up fresh as the morning dew? (Although sometimes, I have to confess, in the finest BLUE PETER tradition, they're ones I prepared earlier.)
The eleventh issue of Marvel's fabulous 'fanzine' featured the dramatic announcement of the return of JACK KIRBY to MARVEL, after his five year stint at DC COMICS. Unfortunately, Jack's comeback was somewhat anti-climactic, and he never quite reached the former heights of glory he had attained the first time around.
Anyway, enjoy reliving whatever memories (if any) these pulsating pictures from the '70s stir up in the myriad mazes of your mind. And if you weren't around at the time, don't worry - they're still well-worth savouring in all their cataclysmic glory - even if it's for the very first time! (After all, it's not your fault you weren't there.)
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