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Despite the date, the above book went on sale towards the end of 1974, and I remember looking through it in W. & R. HOLMES back then, but not buying it. I wasn't familiar with GARTH, and had, I think, first learned of him in The PENGUIN BOOK Of COMICS (the 1st edition), borrowed from my local library in 1972 or '73. Holmes was one of the best shops in my town, and I still miss it today, nearly 40 years after it closed.
Anyway, many years later (and many years ago), the Garth book came my way again and I snapped it up, as it was a happy reminder of my young teenage years, even though I'd never actually owned the volume. Unfortunately, I can't open it wide enough to scan any of the strips without risking damage to the spine, so you'll just have to content yourselves with a look at the cover. FRANK BELLAMY did the honours, and what a good job he did, eh?
I've had this one for more years than I can recall, probably picked it up somehow back in the '70s. I know I used to read (and collect) the newspaper strips, still have a couple of scrapbooks that I duly pasted them into. My copy does not have the '1975' date on the cover, just a blank space under the title. I've since tried to acquire some of the other Garth collections that I think Titan may have put out (not sure) but if you can find them the price tag is usually more than I am prepared to pay. The Garth strips were probably my first exposure to Frank Bellamy's art though in hindsight I must have seen the Thunderbird strips in Countdown earlier than that. Real blast from the past seeing that cover again though.
It's interesting that you mention the date, PC, because it seems it was common for IPC/Fleetway to remove the date on Annuals for overseas distribution, although I only found that out a few years back. That means that they must have printed out the British copies, then amended the plates for the foreign ones. Marvel did the same in the early '60s (maybe even earlier); they printed off the American editions, then removed the date and changed the price for the British ones. When you say 'a blank space', do you mean an empty white strip where the date was, or just no date but with the coloured sky behind it intact? And didn't you see Bellamy's art in TV Century 21 in the '60s, or are you only a youngster?
No white strip on the Garth cover just sky where the date is on yours, almost as if it was added to the UK editions rather than removed from the foreign ones. I think you have a pretty good idea how old I am by now. Never saw TV Century 21 here in Aus back in the sixties. Not saying that they did not make it out here but that I never saw one. My first exposure to the Anderson series in comic form was via Countdown. Used to buy them on a regular basis and one of my collecting regrets now is that I never hung onto them down the years, barring issue one and about five other issues, including one TV Action. Can't recall when I first saw TV Century 21, except that it was years (decades?) after their initial run.
My short-term memory isn't what it was, PC (due to a medical condition), so I tend to forget things. Was it you I sent a Countdown data disc to? I know I sent it to someone, but can't recall who it was. It's a shame you never saw TV Century 21 at the time, 'cos you'd have loved it.
Yes I was the recipient of the disc and much appreciated too. I forget things too, even without a medical condition - though I can blame it on old age! Still a fifty-something but anyone over 30 is old to the 'kids' these days, or always for that matter. I had cousin who was 25 when I was 18 and I recall thinking how grown up he was - now 25 is someone over half my age!! It's all relative.
Well, it's all relative when it comes to cousins. (Little joke there.) Stan Lee doesn't worry about having a bad memory because he says it was bad even when he was young, but I used to have a great memory. Now, sometimes I don't know if it's New York or New Year. I even forget what I'm saying mid-sentence in a conversation. I can still remember what happened 30 or 40 years ago with startling clarity (most of the time anyway), but sometimes I can't even remember yesterday.
It never ceases to amaze me how we discover tiny details that are so interesting through an innocent posting on a blog! Well done Kid for garnering this information and thanks to you too Philip!
As always, a pleasure to hear from you, Norman, and thanks for your thanks. Glad that there's something on this hodge-podge blog of mine that appeals to you.
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