Wednesday 12 August 2015


Images copyright PENGUIN BOOKS

You're looking at a set of PENGUIN paperback covers by RICHIE FAHEY, which were originally released in the States in 2002/'03.  In 2006, they were published in the U.K. (including introductions by various writers), and a new complete collection of IAN FLEMING's short stories was issued in the U.S. in 2008.

JAMES BOND novels have never looked so good!


DeadSpiderEye said...

Most of mine are Great Pan editions illustrated by Peffer, who really was the business. I have a suspicion that when contemporary designers try to emulate that kind of work, they doing so with an element of parody, because they don't have much insight into or appreciation of that kind of illustration.

Kid said...

I liked the ones that used the movie posters as covers. Still got a couple.

Philip Crawley said...

These really capture the whole 60s/retro vibe as far as I am concerned! I also have a number of Bond paperbacks, from the late 60s and early 70s. If anyone were to produce a book just covering Bond book cover and poster art I'd buy it, but there's probably not the market. Especially as a lot of it would be deemed too sexist or misogynist by the thought police who seem to hold so much sway over such perceptions at the moment.

Kid said...

There was a book covering the posters a few years ago, PC, but posters aren't easily acquired, hence the book. With the Bond paperbacks, it's better to actually have them (especially as they're readily available when first released) than a book about them, I suppose.

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