Tuesday 27 January 2015


VICTORIA VETRI is her name - and making
men go weak at the knees is her game.  Hands up
all those who'd ditch the wife for this babe if they
ever got the chance?  (Be honest now!)


TC said...

IIRC, she used the name Angela Dorian at one time, and had a small part in "Rosemary's Baby."

I do remember her starring in "When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth," which was really an unofficial remake of "One Million Years B.C." It had stop-motion animated dinosaurs for the seven-year-old boys, and it had Victoria and Imogene Hassall for the teenage boys and dirty old men.

Kid said...

Ooer! I think I now fall into the latter category, TC

Anonymous said...

Kid, it can't be a coincidence that I mentioned 'When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth' on your other blog and now the star of that film is a babe of the day ! But I think in the film she was Vittoria not Victoria, I can't remember even though I only watched it on Saturday.

Kid said...

You're probably right about the name, CJ - I'll check and change it if it's so. I wasn't really paying attention to what she was called. Yup, I looked up the film after you mentioned it and even saw stills of the deleted nude scenes. However, I'd heard of her before, having some pics of her in an old British Marvel Special called (I think) Warrior Women.

Update: Just checked, CJ. She's listed as Victoria Vetri on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Kid, I googled her as well to check on the name and she's Victoria but I think in the actual film she's credited as Vittoria (as you say, it doesn't really matter !!). I didn't find any nude stills but there was an amusing little documentary explaining the daft "prehistoric" language they use in the film. I saw it in the cinema with my father when I was seven and when the nude scene came on he turned to me and said "If I'd known this was in it I might not have brought you !" - he was very open-minded though hence the "MIGHT not have".

Unknown said...

Don't think it would be worth anyones time to leave their wife for her for 2 reasons;

1: she's now 70 years old


2: she's currently doing 9 years in a state jail for the attempted murder of her husband of 25 years, Bruce Rathgeb.

Anonymous said...

The lovely Ms Vetri/Dorian(who lived in my neighborhood) is currently a "guest of the state" for 9years after pleading No Contest for attempted voluntary manslaughter of her BF in 2010.

Kid said...

I've probably seen the movie on telly, CJ, but maybe I'll watch it again someday.


Well, if you wife's 80, it's a step UP, McScotty. Attempted murder, eh? Just like a woman to botch the job.


Oh, we've got a bit of confusion going on here. Boyfriend or husband? Attempted manslaughter or attempted murder? 'Fess up - who's the sloppy journalist? Anon or McScotty?

Unknown said...

Possibly a bit of sloppynses from us both - according to a CBS news report he is her husband BUT the charge was reduced from attempted murder to attempted voluntary manslaughter - regardless she's chucked, I'm going back to Rachel Riley you can keep this mad old bat Kid!


Kid said...

Funnily enough, McScotty, the famous Bettie Page was also a bit bonkers and tried to murder a boyfriend or husband. Perhaps it was the frustration of knowing they would never have me. (Time for a pill, I think.)

Anonymous said...

So, she tried to whack her husband. Divorces are messy and expensive.

Besides, nobody's perfect. :)


Kid said...

Aha! Do I detect a 'Some Like it Hot' fan in the audience?

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