Thursday 22 January 2015


The stunning ALICIA SILVER-
STONE as BATGIRL.  (Wow!)  Ah,
decisions, decisions!  Alicia or Yvonne
Craig?  Who do you all prefer as the
 caped cutie?  Sure is a tough one.


John Pitt said...

( And could I please have Flo Steinberg one day? )

Kid said...

C'mon, JP - there's at least a BIT of a contest. Flo? Okay.

Gey Blabby said...

Holy Original, Batgirl!

Yep, it's Yvonne for me, too. She was a revelation to the younger me back then and had a very distinct look about her . Same with Catwoman. Same with the Bond girls from that period - Fiona from Thunderball, Tracy in OHMSS, Pussy (of course) and Thingmy in From Russia With Love: thay all stand out distinctly to me all these years later, whereas the more recent ones all seem to blend into one another.

And, Kid: if you're going to ask us to choose, you really should provide us with a photo of Yvonne for comparison's sake (Tut-tut!)

Kid said...

D'you think I'm made of women, GB? Besides, there's already been at least one pic of Yvonne on the blog, and I'm sure there'll be others before too long.

But what's wrong with Alicia? In my view, she's a total darlin'!

DeadSpiderEye said...

Yvonne Craig, no question, she's the holly on the Christmas pudding, nothing tops her.

Kid said...

Alicia, sweetheart, cover your ears. You're just as good as Yvonne any day.

TC said...

Alicia is cute.

Kid said...

Better than cute, TC. She's a stoater!

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