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I was looking for some biographical information on a well-known comics artist a couple of days back, and duly entered his name (or so I thought) into the search box at the top of the screen. Being the impatient type, I picked the first one on the proffered list and hit the key - only to discover that it wasn't the individual I was looking for.
My mistake, but - many years ago - I had a friend whose name was very similar to that of the artist, and, in my haste, I'd unconsciously typed his name - Bob Billens - instead of the intended Bob Billings. (Names changed to protect the guilty, but they really are that similar.) The face of what appeared to be a complete stranger stared out at me from the screen, and I was about to backspace to the previous page when something made me look again more closely.
Wonder of wonders! It was the actual former friend of nearly half my life ago, apparently doing very well in the world - if his self-penned many fine words in tribute to him and his achievements can be taken at face value. Not that it matters much - he was always his own biggest fan. And anyway, what's a blog for if not to blow one's own trumpet? (And, in his case, try and generate a few freelance employment opportunities.)
What struck me, however, was just how old he looked, which is why I hadn't recognised him at first glance. Being the nostalgic sort, I just couldn't stop my mind from rewinding back through the many years to when I first met 'Bob', sometime in 1979. As I have to fill this blog with something, I may as well tell you about it now. Hopefully, I'll contrive a way of making it seem at least vaguely interesting before we reach the end of the story.
Starting in February 1979, I worked in my local Central Library for about six or seven months. Quite a few of the 'head' librarians were given to looking down their noses at those working 'under' them, and boasting about the extent of their overdrafts. (As banks only give money to those who've already got money, they considered it some sort of status symbol to be accorded the 'honour' of owing loads of dosh. They really were a tedious bunch of pretentious, insufferable poseurs.
I'd been there for perhaps only a couple of months when a female colleague one day exclaimed: "You sound just like Bob Billens...", before explaining - in response to my predictable enquiry - that 'Bob Billens' was a university student (just graduated) who worked in the library during the Summer months.
Anyway, before long, I got to meet Bob Billens, and - sure enough - he did sound a little like me. Amazingly, he was also a dyed-in-the-wool comicbook geek like myself, and we soon hit it off - talking comics and swapping opinions on what we thought of the new SUPERMAN movie with CHRISTOPHER REEVE (which was then still only a few months old). We also indulged in a fair amount of secret sniggering at the pomposity and pretensions of our library 'masters'.
I very soon became discontented and suddenly quit the job, but our friendship continued. However, not too long afterwards, Bob and his wife (in a pre-planned career move) 'upped-sticks' and relocated to England. We kept in touch for a few years until, gradually, his new life claimed him completely and his already steadily-waning inclination to maintain contact finally evaporated.
When shot-on-location photos of Superman IV he'd taken and promised to send never arrived - with no word from him in the weeks or months that followed - it became clear he'd no intention of getting in touch again. Not being one to impose myself on people, I didn't pursue the matter, even though I found it slightly puzzling given our common interest.
Also, I probably just didn't measure up to his 'sophisticated' new circle of posh friends and colleagues down South. He'd actually once 'hinted' as much on a brief visit home, when he gave me an odd look and said "I dread to think what the folks at work would say if they saw you." He tried to say it in a 'jokey' way, but was obviously embarrassed by what he considered my lack of sartorial elegance and less than fashionable appearance. (Judge for yourselves from the above photo. I think I look rather saintly.)
That reminds me - I really must track down a replacement for that Superman movie poster one day. One that doesn't look quite so old and as tired as Bob Billens.
(And 'Bob' - if by some remote chance you ever happen to read this - I'm sure you'd like to know that 'Big Rosa' sends you her regards. I can't speak for anyone else though.)
And no doubt you'll all be pleased to know that I've now obtained a replacement poster of the one I originally bought way back in January 1979 in the ABC Cinema in Glasgow.
Gosh, who's that handsome fellow with the beard ? But on the subject of absurd "status symbols" - about 10 years ago I remember reading that bragging about how much debt you had was now a status symbol. What kind of moron brags about being up to his neck in debt ??? At that point I knew we had reached the nadir of neo-liberal economic insanity. Of course, a couple of years later we entered the biggest financial crisis and subsequent recession since the 1930's so I assume they weren't bragging anymore. But apparently the levels of personal debt are as bad now as they were before the 2008 crash so morons never learn.
Shucks, CJ, you're making me blush! Why, that handsome fellow is me. That's why I'm called Handsome Gordie! (NURSE!) I think (with some people) it's always been the same in regard to overdrafts, CJ, because the implication is that you must be earning a really good wage for the banks to even think about lending you money. It's a sly way of suggesting you're in the high earning bracket without ever saying how much you earn.
(Incidentally, did you notice the sign saying 'legend' in that photo? They must have known I was coming in that day.)
Kid, I wasn't just talking about overdrafts - I meant loans from loan companies and credit card debt etc. People were bragging about all the debt they had. It's not that long ago we still had debtors prisons but since the '80s being deep in debt is a sign of how aspirational you are. Apparently British people own ONE THIRD of all the personal debt in the EU. And in Germany hardly anybody owns a credit card. But the financial crash showed how precarious everything really is so perhaps people don't brag about their debts any more. By the way, I also hate stuck-up, social climbing petty-bourgeois gits.
I get the impression, CJ, that, nowadays, many low or average wage earners only talk about their debt (if they do) in a self-conscious attempt to 'normalize' their situation, or because they're eager to make light of it (if that makes any sense). Or maybe even because it's actually a concern to them. Some, as you say, do so to advertise how aspirational they are. Those library 'bigwigs', 'though, seemed to do it because it was their way of saying "I get a big wage so that's why the bank gives me such a big overdraft." It surprised me when 'Bob Billens' turned out to be the same type of person. It shouldn't have 'though, because the signs were always there (I just didn't see them) that his resentment of our library 'masters' sprang from jealousy of their status - a status he coveted and thought he deserved more than they did. He wanted to be top of the heap, whereas I was always pretty content with my lot.
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