Wednesday, 14 December 2011


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Another of the 'big five' (as I l call 'em) POWER COMICS was POW!, companion paper to WHAM!, SMASH!, FANTASTIC and TERRIFIC.  As well as a mix of British strips, Pow! featured reprints of SPIDER-MAN and NICK FURY, later also publishing The FANTASTIC FOUR once Wham! had been merged with it. Pow! was probably the weakest of the Power Comics, but it still had things to recommend it to the reader intent on seeking out a nice selection of humour and adventure strips. Above is the Christmas issue from 1967.

The back page is DARE-A-DAY DAVY, another surreal KEN REID strip, where readers were invited to write in and dare Davy to do something.  Those chosen had the delight in seeing their suggestion brought to life in the typical madcap Reid manner and also win a pound into the bargain.  What more could a child want out of life?  One tale was deemed so horrific that it wasn't printed, only showing up, I believe, in a fanzine article a number of years after Pow!'s demise.  As it was pulled at the editing stage, it was never properly lettered, but that's something I may put right when I have the time.  Remind me to show it to you one day.  In the meantime, click on the image to enlarge and enjoy Ken Reid's anarchic lunacy at its finest.

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