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Another cracking splash page to amaze your awestruck orbs, faithful ones. This is the first one by STEVE DITKO to feature in this series, but it was well worth waiting for, I'm sure you'll agree. The first titanic team up between SPIDER-MAN and Dr. STRANGE, it's a page that promises much in a tale that delivers even more. Feast your eyes, effendis, on the work of one of the all-time comicbook greats, and don't forget to return for more of the same soon.
Just read Dr Strange Mystic apprentice #1 After watching the film you realise how much of a bare bones origin the comic presents.
Or,would I have thought that had I not seen the film?
How much of my own imagination has been stifled by indulging in someone else's flight of fancy(screenplay). A bit like reading a good book and then seeing the movie. They never quite match up...
The bare bones is really all you needed in a comicbook back in the '60s 'though, Moony. To go into the detail that a movie provides would be tedious in a comic, I feel, with too many talking heads explaining everything. Lee & Ditko's origin is full of mood and atmosphere and cuts to the chase, and I don't think the film, good as it was, improved on the comic in any way. However, two different mediums, so probably not fair to compare them.
One of my favourite splash pages. I only have this in the Spider-Man Comics Weekly version of this at present (hoping it is in the Dr Strange Ditko omnibus . I think the comics from these times were far easier to read and for me their simplicity (which was no doubt difficult to write ) made it easier for each story to fit into a bigger much more complex tapestry of a story than today’s overly series single issues (if that makes sense – if not I’m old ignore me)
I like your new logo and recognise most of the covers used.
You'll be glad to know that this tale is indeed in the Dr. Strange Omnibus, PM. It was also reprinted (with original cover) in Marvel Tales, back around the mid-'80s, and should be quite easy and inexpensive to pick up on eBay. Series? To quote Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinkin) in The Princess Bride: "I don't think that word means what you think it means." Ah, you meant 'serious'.
Had no idea what you meant there till I re read my reply - "series" yes indeedy I meant "serious" - Good to know that story is in the Ditko edition
It's the last tale in the book, PM. It really is a cracking volume. Let me know what you think of it when you finally get yourself a copy.
Steve Ditko and Dr Strange was one of those pairings of artist and character that was meant to be; like Gene Colan / Dracula, John Buscema / Surfer and Infantino / Flash, to name a few that spring to mind. Also happened with Ditko & Spidey. Much as I like Jack Kirby's work when he was in his prime I really can't imagine him handling Doc Strange or Spidey, though come to think of it Jack did come up with some far out visuals for other worlds and dimensions during his time on the FF.
Jack could never seem to draw Spidey with the same 'spiderish' quality that Steve gave him, PC, but he wasn't too bad at drawing Dr. Strange. The character, that is; whether his other worlds and dimensions would've suited Strange the way SD's did is another matter 'though. They certainly fitted the FF - but Dr. Strange? I'd need convincing.
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