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The DALEKS copyright BBC TV and the Estate of TERRY NATION |
Most people who bought TV CENTURY 21 in 1965 will recall the back page DALEKS strip and, in particular, the golden globe-headed Emperor and the hoverbouts. However, that's not where they first appeared! The Emperor and the Daleks' mode of sky transportation made their debut in the 1964 (for '65) DALEK BOOK, today a rare collectors' item. So, for all you panting Criv-ites, I now present the first-ever comic strip to feature the metal-clad scions of SKARO, as illustrated by RICHARD JENNINGS. Enjoy!
I still remember the moment I saw this in our local newsagent in 1964. Needless to say, it had to be a Christmas present that year.
Funnily enough, I have no recollection of ever seeing any of the '60s Dalek Books at the time. The first Annual I ever remember having was the first TV Century 21 book, although I'm sure we must have had some before that as me and my brother used to put an Annual on top of a skate (as a seat) to use as a mini-go-kart.
Really cool! Specially not Steve Zodiac.
That's who he reminded me of as well.
Also got the Steve Zodiac vibe, expected him to leap into Fireball and head after his friends. Don't think the writer quite has the Dalek 'voice' right, something about the phrasing and ruthless streak not quite coming out. You must cringe at the quality of the 'Dalek' lettering. Good to see this, though I am more used to the more stylised Ron Turner art.
I don't mind the lettering too much, PC, although some of the balloon shapes could be better. I also liked the Ron Turner art at the time, but I've always preferred Richard Jenning's art on The Daleks. Turner started off okay, but his Daleks eventually became too stylised, and drifted too far from the actual design. That probably didn't matter too much in the '60s, in a world that had the Marx and Cherilea Daleks (which were hardly accurate), but looking at Turner's art now (especially his later pages), I'm reminded just how much I appreciate Jennings.
Well worth waiting for, Kid! - You've done a blinding job with them!
Seen here better than ANYWHERE else, readers!!
I actually got my copy after TV 21 had already started and couldn't help but notice that this first Emperor had no body!! - His fender is right below his horizontal bands, whereas Jennings gave him his 3 x hemisphere deep body in the comic. - Much better by the way!
Just out of interest, JP ( can't remember if I've asked you before), do you still have your original Dalek Book? In fact, having just asked, a faint memory seems to suggest that you previously said you did.
Yep, still got it, Kidda! I did give all my annuals to my brother with my first comics collection, but when I got married and left home, he asked me if I wanted any of them back again. Well, I'm so pleased that I took the 3 Daleks, 2 Doctor Who's, TV21 and POTA back again, BUT.... I do regret NOT also taking back the 3 Daleks activity books, miscell. Captain Scarlet/Angels books, Fantastic annual, Marvel annual, etc., but.... there we go. I'll revisit them all in my blog in due course, for both my bruv and myself!
Good to hear they didn't end up in a charity shop or on a rubbish tip. Doubtless you could track down the Fantastic and Marvel Annuals on eBay. I got my two '60s Captain Scarlet Annuals that way.
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