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I look at these pics, I'm in '66 |
Time for yet another reflective reminiscence from yours truly, o panting Criv-ites, on the nature of memory and association. "Oh not again!" do I hear you cry? Don't be like that - if you had anything more interesting to do, you wouldn't be here to start with. So let's get down to it before you bail out on me.
'Twas the year of our Lord 1966 and I was standing outside a department store called HENDERSONS of Sauchiehall Street while my mother was engaged in conversation with a friend we'd run into. Before me was an oval-shaped fountain which, a couple or so years later, would remind me of the one at the beginning of The CHAMPIONS, though that one was on a far grander scale. In my hands I held that week's issue of SMASH!, which I'd just had purchased for me in R.S. McCOLL's on the other side of the pedestrianised street of my town's main shopping centre.
As my mother chatted away with her pal, I studied the second part (the origin) of a new strip called The FANTASTIC FOUR. I say "new", but the strip had first appeared in its own American mag around five years earlier, though most readers of the ODHAMS' comic probably wouldn't have seen it back then so it was all new to them. Oddly, the strip was simultaneously published in WHAM!, sister publication to Smash!, but I wasn't aware of that until many years later, not that it matters much to my story.
Six years on, in late 1972, new weekly comic The MIGHTY WORLD Of MARVEL reprinted the story yet again. I was off school on Thursday 5th and Friday 6th October because I was ill, and on the Thursday, I recall my mother bringing me a bowl of tomato soup while I lay propped up in bed re-reading the FF's origin for the umpteenth time that week. (MWOM #1 had only come out on Saturday 30th September, five days before, so the thrill of the new comic hadn't yet worn off.)
Anyway, as I perused the pages of the FF's iconic origin tale, my mind idly wandered back to that day in '66 when I'd first experienced the strip, and familiar images of Henderson's, the oval fountain, and R.S. McColl's, all of which then yet existed (though today, no longer, alas), resurfaced. (Henderson's may have changed their name to BAIRDS by then, but was still a HOUSE Of FRASER store.) So what's all this got to do with memory and association you ask.
Simply this. When I look at this story today, often (but not always), it's usually my 1972 experience of the strip that my mind first returns to, but it depends on what page I'm looking at, and whether it's in black and white or colour. However, even when I'm recalling that long ago Thursday, the memory of my 1966 encounter isn't far away. Curiously, although I can access the '66 recollection via the one from '72, it's not quite so easy to do the same thing in reverse.
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When this page I view, I'm in '72 |
Could it perhaps be that, because I'm mentally reliving that moment in '66 and (from that perspective) '72 hasn't yet happened, my mind finds it harder to make the jump forward? It's easier for the mind to jump backwards to a previous event, than forward to one that, from a past point of view, is yet to occur - even when one is recalling both instances from a future point in time when the two are distant memories.
Anyway, no doubt I've expressed myself in my customary vague and incoherent way and failed to fully convey what I was trying to say. Nevertheless, I think there's enough there for the intellectuals among you to work with, and even if you don't reach the finishing line I was pointing to, hopefully the journey itself will prove interesting, whatever your stopping point.
Medication review might be in order here! Hmmm...
You mean I should start taking some? I'll try some of yours. (Just admit it, Moony - it's too deep for you!)
I was born in Feb '66 so too young for Odham's comics and I missed the first two years of Marvel UK so no MWOM #1 either. I first read the FF origin in The Complete FF No.1 and it takes me back to my first days in Secondary/Comprehensive school - I started in Secondary school on Wednesday, August 31st 1977 and the Complete FF #1 came out exactly three weeks later on Wednesday, September 21st 1977. And exactly three weeks after that on October 12th 'Rampage' #1 came out and it was also my father's 50th birthday on the same day - so the FF origin reminds me of all those things.
And just think, CJ - you're almost the same age as your father was back then. Interestingly, when I first read the FF's origin in The Complete Fantastic Four, I was reminded of both my previous exposures to the tale, so it was a trip down memory lane for me.
Kid, it's strange to think that when I was reading the FF's origin in September 1977 it was only 16 years since the FF had first appeared - to me the FF's origin seemed like it came from the distant mists of time but it was only as far back as 1999 is now.
When I read the origin in '66, it was only 5 years old, but I didn't realize it was a reprint until later. In '72, the origin was only 11 years old, which, today, would seem like no time at all, but, to me back then, seemed like pre-history.
By the way, Kid - when The Thing is ripping up that tree he's saying "How can you love that weakling when I'm here" and "I'll prove to you that you love the wrong man" but any idea of Ben being jealous of Reed and Sue was completely dropped after this origin story, wasn't it ? Or did it feature again, I can't remember.
In issue #3, Ben says to Reed "I want Sue to look at me the way she looks at you!" However, I suppose that could be interpreted as simply wanting her to look at him without disgust. Even saying that Reed is "the wrong man" wouldn't necessarily mean that he considers HIMSELF the right one, although "when I'm here" certainly suggests it. Anyway, like you, that's the way I took it when I first read it. It's interesting that when Alicia Masters first appeared in FF #8, the Puppet Master says that Sue "looks remarkably like you, Alica!" and gets his step-daughter to impersonate her. Did Ben fall in love with her because of her resemblance to Susie? I suppose that once Ben had his own girlfriend, there was no need to play up any interest he may have once had in Sue.
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