Tuesday 22 October 2024


Isn't it funny the things you find yourself buying when they remind you of something from childhood, don't you think?  In my primary school years we used to have a pair of budgerigars called Cheeky and Joey, and there's an interesting story about them which can be read by clicking here.  Recently, while passing a shop window in my town's main shopping centre (now sadly in serious decline), I spotted two ornamental ringers for the pair of budgies we'd once owned.  Bought them immediately of course, and they now sit on the shelf of a display cabinet in my living-room.  It's like Cheeky and Joey have been resurrected, and whenever I gaze upon them, I think back to those long ago years which are so dear to me in retrospect.

Sure, they don't move and they don't sing, but at least I don't have to clean sh*t out of a budgie cage on a daily basis, so that's a plus.  It's just nice to look at them - and remember.  Any of you Crivvies got any animal ornaments that remind you of childhood or teenage pets?  If not, if you saw one, would you buy it?  Do tell.


Colin Jones said...

No animal ornaments but in my childhood and teenage years we had a calendar with numbered blocks as in your photo but our calendar was made of plastic so it didn't look as nice as yours and eventually the numbers on the blocks started wearing away after years of daily handling.

Kid said...

That happened with another style of calendar I yet have, CJ, where constant handling gradually wiped away the ink on the plastic 'cards' which had to be moved one behind the other every day. One day I intend to restore it to its former glory, though it'll be a difficult job. In fact, the calendar in the post sits where the other one used to, and was bought to prevent further wear on its predecessor.

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