Thursday 17 October 2024


Copyright DC COMICS

As most of you crazy Crivvies will already know, Mad started out as an ordinary comicbook for its first 23 issues, before metamorphosing into a magazine format.  You'll have seen these covers before in a four part cover gallery I did a few years back, but I thought it would be handy to re-present them in an omnibus post so that they're all in one place.  Enjoy refreshing your memories.


top_cat_james said...

Tuesday's syndicated comic panel Bizarro used the "Picasso chick" from Issue #22. I'm the one who pointed it out in the comments section.

top_cat_james said...

Also, I'm afraid I have to disagree with your declaring pre-magazine format MAD as a "ordinary" comic book. I own a collection volume set of those issues that I reread about every five years or so, and I'm always amazed how much of it still holds up despite it primarily being seventy-year-old topical satire. There's some brilliant stuff here that the passage of time has not diminished--I can only imagine the impact this stuff must of had when it was new.

Kid said...

I would've thought the context made clear that I was talking about the format, not the content. It wasn't yet a magazine, it was an ordinary comicbook - as in the same as other comicbooks, dimension-wise. Then it became a magazine.

top_cat_james said...

Apologies for my misinterpretation, then.

Kid said...

No need to apologise, but it helps if commenters read things in context before commenting.

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