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Blackpool, 1973. I'm sat on a deckchair next to my parents in the Sun Lounge of the famous North Pier, half-listening to the organist, RAYMOND WALLBANK, and reading the above paperback, when all of a sudden a high-pitched screech pierces the air: "Elsie... ELSIE! Over here... OVER HERE! Cooooo-eeeee... ELSIE!" The voice belonged to an elderly lady sat next to a companion, who was frantically flapping her handkerchief in an attempt to attract the attention of the afore-mentioned Elsie who'd just arrived. Thankfully, Elsie heard her friend (as did residents on the far side of Blackpool, I would imagine) and soon took up the designated place beside her.
"I'm so glad you found Elsie!", quipped Raymond, good-naturedly, at the end of his tune. Even I, as an uncouth 14 year-old, recognized the woman's bad manners in interrupting the performance to hail her pal, but I soon re-immersed myself in my book. True, technically, I was perhaps likewise disrespectful in not paying full attention to Raymond, but at least I was unlikely to disturb anyone else's enjoyment while indulging in the object of my literary preoccupation.
Anyway, today I took possession of a replacement of the very book I read 40 years ago, as a 14 year old youth on Blackpool Pier. I obtained it from AMAZON for a mere penny - 39 pence short of what the book cost brand-new four decades back. Okay, I paid £2.80 for post and packing, but I'd probably still have had to pay that if the book had cost me a tenner, so let's not get bogged down in mere details. (Even if I started it.)
If I recall rightly, I'd been to see LIVE & LET DIE not too long before our visit to the famous seaside resort, so the film was still fresh in my mind. Also, the day before our departure, I'd acquired the 2nd edition CORGI TOYS ASTON MARTIN DB5 diecast spy-car, which I took with me on holiday. I'd purchased it in one of my local R.S. McCOLL's, and although it was 1973, it was the original, '68 model in the blister pack instead of a box. (Must've been old stock, I guess. And yes - I managed to replace it some time back.)
The difference between the newer version of the car and the original 1965 gold-coloured model was that, unlike its predecessor, it was an actual DB5. The previous incarnation had been rushed into production at the last minute, so existing moulds of a DB4 were swiftly modified and pressed into production. In 1967/'68, Corgi Toys created completely new tooling, and, as well as being a slightly larger scale, the new car was the correct silver birch colour and sported revolving number-plates and rear tyre-slashers, as well as all three of the original features on the earlier release.
But I digress. Returning to the book, there are still parts I recall even after all these years: Roger chipping a tooth and requiring root-canal work; having to shoot the wedding/motorboat scene again due to a steering mishap; the sign 'TRESPASSERS WILL BE EATEN' being the actual sign of the crocodile farm and not an invention of the filmmakers. I'm not sure whether the book was ever republished, but the copy I received today is a first-printing and in extremely good condition. Not bad for one 'new' penny, eh?
So, here's to that long-ago holiday in Blackpool, and all the comicbooks purchased back then; the Aston Martin, Roger's book, Elsie and her pals - and last but not least - the cool-as-a-cucumber Mr. Raymond Wallbank, who sadly died in 2010. He played on the North Pier from 1965 to 1995, a period of 30 years in all. When I eventually get around to re-reading the book, you can bet your boots I'll have another hearty chuckle at the memory of Raymond's humorous and gentle 'remonstrance' on that sunny July afternoon back in 1973.
Incidentally, prior to that day on the North Pier, I'd thought that the cry of "Cooooo-eeeee!" was a word only ever used in films or comics, not in real life. After all, it wasn't actually a 'real' word used by 'real' people, was it? Or so I'd thought until that June or July day in Blackpool back in 1973. As far as I can recall, that was the first, last and only time I've ever heard it being used - outside, that is, of someone perhaps using it in an affected manner for humorous effect.
We returned to Blackpool on holiday the next year, 1974, and that was the last holiday I ever had - never been away since. My parents returned several times over the decades, and may well have sat on the North Pier listening to Raymond again on quite a few occasions, but I did so only once. Odd to think that the initial shared family experience was likely repeated, but without my presence. Strange what passes through one's mind while reminiscing, eh?
In memory of Raymond Wallbank - born August 8th, 1932,
died February 16th, 2010.
In the USA, it was published with the title, "Roger Moore's James Bond Diary." I remember that photo of him with the drink while the explosion is being set off in the background (the caption: "the James Bond cool"). Mainly, I remember he complained about interviewers constantly asking how his portrayal would be different from Sean Connery. The last straw seemed to be when a reporter asked if Moore's performance would be better than Connery's.
Reporters eh? They seem to want to provoke a reaction that they can then make a story out of, even if it's a negative one. I thought their job was to REPORT news, not CREATE it.
Heavens to murgitrod Kid,
What the hell sort of physadelic lolly is Miss North Pier 1973 holding suggestively akimbo Raymond the Organists organ? This album cover falls straight into that lovely kitsch twilight zone of 'so bad, it's good'.
'Fasten your seatbelts lolly lickers'!!!
I changed it from the original one I used because it was appropriately 'Bond-ish'.
Kid, I can see where you are coming from....Raymond definately has the look of a sophisticated yet deadly trained international 00 operative! I bet he liked his brown ale shaken and not stirred!
And Blackpool Tower looks equally impressive as its French counterpart. I wonder if they sell many 'kiss me quick' pork pie hats on the Champ de Mars In Paris!
Miss North Pier 1973 could easily pass for a Pussy Galore or a Honey Ryder. (Probably only after a crate of ale I grant you).
Yours in espionage,
To be honest, I wasn't really thinking past 'burd in a bikini' - that's 'Bond-ish' enough for me. But Ken, you're winding me up - no one would need a crate of ale in order to appreciate the young lady's feminine charms, surely? (Her name's 'Amber Pier'*, by the way.) I know, I know - don't call you Shirley.
*See? I can do double entendres with the best of them.
It looks as if Raymond's having his own hearty chuckle at his good luck in having that lassie lying there beside him.
When we used to go to Blackpool we would stay near the South Pier, and it was rare that we ever ventured as far as the North Pier. We found that most of our 'activities' could be catered for in-between the Pleasure Beach and the Tower/Central Pier.
GB, as I live and breathe, where have you been? I'm not 100% sure, but I'd imagine we had a shot at all three piers at some stage. If not on that holiday, then the year after. (Yup, we went to Blackpool in '74 too.)
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