Next, above, is Green Lantern/Green Arrow #87, which is where John Stewart made his debut as a new addition to the Green Lantern Corp. I wish the facsimile had retained the sideways spine banner declaring the comic's 'bigger & better' status, but for some reason DC opted to omit it. Why they do such things to what is supposed to be a 'facsimile' is beyond me. (Unless it was omitted for a previous reprinting.)
In the first two mags, the reproduction of the ads are of a mixed quality; some are crisp and clear, others are obviously scanned from published original issues and are not quite as bright and colourful as the strips themselves. However, in The New Teen Titans #1 facsimile, above, there are no such problems, as every page is presented with crystal clarity, just the way you'd expect in such an iconic number.
One of the good things about the DC facsimiles is that they've now started placing the barcode boxes on the back covers in an unobtrusive manner. This, along with the fact that they print the interior pages on non-glossy paper, makes them handsome additions to anyone's collection. Below, are the splash pages to the above issues.
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The indicia appears on the inside cover of the facsimile, not under the splash page. I don't have the original to compare, but it looks like the bottom of the page has been extended |
I picked up the Green Lantern issue. I'm savoring the work of Neal Adams these days and that bombastic cover could not be denied.
If I recall correctly, RJ, Adams did another (similar) cover first, which was rejected for some reason. Have you seen it? I think it's reproduced in my trio of Adams Batman volumes, but they're not handy to check at the moment.
New Teen Titans is one of the few DC comics I actually bought but I don't think I had #1.
Well, you've finally got your chance after all this time, CJ, so don't let it get away.
Kid, did you know you can browse the Radio Times from the week you were born? If you go to BBC Programme Index and click on Radio Times Issues you can see the actual issue page-by-page of RT from the week you were born. Unfortunately the scans of these old issues ends with the last week of December 1959 so I can't look at the Radio Times from Feb 1966 when I was born.
That's because after I was born, they thought "We're never going to top Robson's date of birth so we might as well give up!" Took them a year to realise, sure enough, but they got there in the end. I'll take a look later and see what was on the two channels the night I was born. Surely some kind of celebratory firework display, eh?
I bought the Green Lantern issue as well. I remember seeing that first Adams version of the cover which i thought was the better of the 2, if I recall correctly he redraw it as Hal Jordan's face was visible. I still have my copy original copy of Teen Titans .
I think the intention is to scan every RT but perhaps they've only got as far as 1959. You can still see what was on the night/week you were born by looking on and searching by date. I like looking back and seeing what was on particularly during school holidays to see what I would have watched. I'm sad like that.
GL/GA wasn't a comic I bothered with back in the day, McS, mainly 'cos I considered them 'B' list heroes, but nowadays I try and get most of the facsimiles as it's a bit like travelling back in time to get what I could've (but didn't) buy back then. I just wish DC were consistent with the reproduction quality of the ads.
I'm not entirely impressed with genome, M, as it's inconsistent and contradictory in places. Back in the late '80s or early '90s, I 'phoned the BBC for details about a movie I'd watched in the '60s three years in a row. They were able to tell me with no problem. However, the genome site doesn't have that same info.
BBC Programme Index is the new improved version of BBC Genome.
Ta, CJ, I'll give it a try.
Have just picked up the facsimile of the Detective and the Green Lantern. I have both of the originals, but good to have these new copies as well. I noticed that DC are also producing variant versions of the facsimiles with shiny, cardboard covers as well, along with versions with the trade dress and issue number, but blank covers otherwise so that you can presumably draw your own version of the cover????
I cannot see the point of producing facsimiles which are obviously not facsimiles.....very strange.
I agree, B, though I did actually buy a couple of foil covered versions of earlier facsimiles, namely the Doom Patrol debut as the regular copy wasn't cut symmetrically in the two that I bought, plus the Poison Ivy Batman issue just 'cos I liked it. Once DC can reproduce every advert with a consistent quality in every edition, they'll have their facsimiles 'nailed'. The blank covered editions are beyond me - who'd want them?
I had the GL/GA issue, one of my earliest super-hero purchases. I was in second or third grade. Loved the art and the reprints....I was disappointed when DC "downsized" the next summer because those reprints allowed me to catch up on their history. Honestly, I think Neal Adams' contributions kept me on the DC side of the aisle long after he departed.
My copy of TNTT#1 wasn't pristine for some reason. The white background was a bit discolored for some reason. I would get issues like that during that time period where the whites were a bit dingy. Never really knew why.
I loved the 48 page (52 page when they started including the covers in the count) issues as well, G, they were great value for money and some (if not most) of the reprints would've been something readers wouldn't otherwise have got to see.
I think sometimes the inside of the cover on a comic would 'stain' the front (and vice versa), so maybe that accounts for the off-whites. Or the back cover of the comic sitting on top of it, perhaps. Strange that I'm enjoying buying facsimiles of mags I probably wouldn't have been interested in getting back in the day, over buying comics with new material published nowadays, eh?
Kid, I suppose putting your Christmas decorations in the loft was hard work so will you be bringing them all down again come December? Perhaps you should think about something easier when it comes to Xmas decorations in future - you could light some candles instead or even go without decorations altogether like I mostly do.
It was extremely hard work, CJ, and took a while. I may have to think about streamlining the amount of decorations I put up each year, which I'd be loath to do as I'd feel bad about the ones not used. I'll think about it more when the time comes.
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