Sunday 31 October 2021


Characters copyright relevant & respective owners

October 31st... Hallowe'en, the time for dressing up and trawling around the neighbourhood at night, wearing a mask.  Don't think I'll be doing it this year though, as it tends to scare the neighbours and the police take a dim view of it.  I've had my final warning and learned my lesson.  (There'll be some people out there who'll believe this guff.)

Anyway, I thought I'd show you some of my mask collection, but don't count the Batman one above as it's not mine.  (Had it as a kid though.)  I've got about four or five other cardboard masks featuring Universal horror characters, plus a more modern Batman one, all of which I obtained from a fast food chain, but unfortunately I've forgotten where I stored them.

So you'll just have to do with the ones on show here.  Some have appeared on the blog before and I've just reused the photos, others I've snapped specifically for this post as they hung on the wall.  (Can't be bothered disturbing any dust by taking them down to photograph.)  Like any of them?  Then let me know which ones, effendis.

Incidentally, take a look at the Spider-Man mask; how impressed would readers have been if it had been the free gift given away with SMCW #1 instead of a paper bag, eh?  (If you're under 50, there's every chance you won't know what I'm talking about.)   

Yup, you're right - I've retro-added this one


Kid said...

Okay, I'll start things off - I think my masks are brilliant.

Colin Jones said...

I think my favourite is the first one, the Frankenstein Monster wearing sunglasses!

No Trick-Or-Treaters came to my door I'm glad to say but I haven't seen any for years. Perhaps the kids around here don't bother any more.

I've just bought the Beano Christmas Special from Tesco. I only noticed it by accident and there were only two left so I decided to grab one as Tesco probably won't stock any more after these ones are sold.

Kid said...

I put the sunglasses on him. CJ, just so I knew where they were. As you'll know, they're not part of the mask. I saw a few parents out last night, walking their kids around the neighbourhood and knocking a few doors, but thankfully no one came to mine. (I don't mind kids, but I couldn't eat a whole one.)

I've seen that Beano Christmas Special in WHS, but I don't bother buying them any more. I wait for the weekly Beano's Christmas issue and buy that; have done since 1978.

Phil S said...

Yogi is king of creepy with no eyes.
That Thing mask must be rare, especially in the UK when back in the day no one went trick or treating so getting hold of US Halloween costumes would be that much harder.

Kid said...

Are you saying Yogi's creepier than the average bear, PS? The Thing mask came free with a UK weekly (or fortnightly) several years back, so it's relatively modern. As is the Spidey mask. I love 'em all.

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