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Actor DAVID BRADLEY (as WILLIAM HARTNELL) holds aloft the very first Dr. WHO Annual - or does he? In actual fact, it's a re-imagined version for the 2013 programme, An ADVENTURE In SPACE And TIME. The cover of the published 1965 book is below. Note that it doesn't feature a DALEK, though the original mock-up of the cover (which didn't much resemble the finished item) did.
And below is the very cover mentioned in the above paragraph. Maybe it was ditched because of the red (or so it looks to me) TARDIS.
An Adventure In Space And Time was excellent. Back then I was reading your blog but hadn't yet made any comments - a "lurker".
At least you weren't a 'weirdo stalker', CJ. Though I hear it's fashionable to have them these days.
I too was a "reader only" for many a while before I ever made a comment. The internet was so new to me that I didn't have a clue how to! Or how to open a google account or join blogger or anything!
When I eventually figured out how to do it and left a comment, you made me welcome and invited me back!
( Bet you bloody regret THAT, now! )
Ha ha!
Not at all, JP. Despite the efforts of certain individuals to portray me in a bad light, I'm quite an easy going, welcoming sort of person. Some people are just so up themselves however, they have a hissy fit when someone has a different opinion to them on a subject on which they consider themselves an authority. Then, it seems, they spend an inordinate amount of time and effort in trying to discredit those they see as their enemies. All incredibly high drama for a relatively trivial subject like comics. 'Nuff said.
BTW, if you can ever put your magic touch on that original cover, I'd LOVE a scan ( you have my email address! )
Do you mean the unpublished one you showed on your blog, JP?
Yup! That very one!
That would be difficult to improve because the quality is so poor. I'll maybe have a go one day though.
Probably partly the red Tardis ( I know we only had b&w telly, but, even as a kid, I just KNEW that a Police telephone box would be blue! ) and partly for having a Dalek ( plus a Horokron? ) from TV 21 on the cover, when TV 21 had the exclusive rights?
My thanks have to go to Doctor Who fanatic, Colin Young, who sent me a scan of that cover!
If I remember correctly, JP, Glasgow police boxes back in the '60s WERE red so it wouldn't have seemed odd to me if that cover had actually been used. Is there any chance that CY could send you a better copy of that scan for me to play around with?
Ah now, then that would suggest that the ( unknown ) artist of this cover was a Scot?
I do recall reading a comment somewhere in the past about Scottish Police telephone boxes being red, but I thought that he was joking!
No, unfortunately that's the best he had, as he didn't have the original piece of paper - a mate of his did and sent him a scan. I'll try and find my original Facebook message with it in and see if that looks any better and email it you?
See if he can get his mate to send him a better scan, JP. If the image was ever printed in Dr. Who Magazine I may even have it, but I don't have time (or inclination) to dig them all out and look through them.
Have sent you the ORIGINAL original and the ORIGINAL ORIGINAL original, now, Kidda!
Thanks, JP, I'll see if it makes a difference.
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