"The third mate's name was Carter -
by jings, was he a farter.
When the wind wouldn't blow
and the ship wouldn't go,
They got Carter the farter to start 'er!"
Third mate CARTER isn't related to
lithe and lovely LYNDA of course. She is
actually wearing her WONDER WOMAN
gear in the pic, though I've applied an X-ray
filter which renders it invisible. What can
I say, Crivvies, eh? I spoil you lot.
And being a massive WW fan - and by my love for her, Lynda's too - its also Miss Carter's birthday next week!
She really is a class act; such a lovely lady.
I second that. Wish now I hadn't knocked her back when she asked me out on a date several years back. (Someone's bound to believe it!)
She really was the definite Wonder Woman - Hollywood hasn´t been able to come up with anything near that. How many decades after the tv series ? Oh, such a shame.
Practically the definitive woman, SZ. Who wouldn't be happy to have a wife who looked like Lynda?
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