Thursday, 24 May 2012


Images copyright respective owners

A nice JACK KIRBY illustration (above) kicks off the latest instalment in our series of cataclysmic ALAN CLASS covers.  With the exception of the issue below, I have no memories associated with these comics beyond purchasing them back in the late '70s.  I assume I probably bought them in the hospital shop referred to in previous posts, but one or two of them may have been obtained elsewhere.  The issue below is a replacement, but my original copy was one I bought in the aforementioned shop, because I recall sitting on a bench to look at it (maybe along with a couple of others, though not necessarily any in this post) on the way home.  The cover is by Jack Kirby and DICK AYERS.

It's quite disconcerting to realise that, as we get older, our powers of recollection begin to fade in some instances.  Of course, it could simply be that some things don't make much of an impression at the time, which is why it's harder to recall anything in particular about them later.  I'm not used to looking at a comic cover without having a host of memories associated with it - but, with four of these five comics, the only memories they conjure up are of my room in which I read them all those years ago.  JOE SINNOTT performed the artistic duties on the one below.

The cover below is by a pair of comic greats from yesteryear - JACK KIRBY, who pencilled it - and STEVE DITKO, who performed the inking chores.  Two for the price of one - what more could anyone ask for?

I'll have to re-read the issue below - I find myself strangely intrigued by what the secret of "The ABYSS" might be.  I'm beginning to wonder if I actually read all of my Alan Class comics before giving them away to one of my pals, who returned them to me over thirty years later (with, as already noted, the exception of SECRETS Of The UNKNOWN #158).  Anyway, next time we'll take a look at four - count 'em - four WALLY WOOD T.H.U.N.D.E.R. AGENTS covers by Alan Class - don't forget to be there - by clicking here.

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