Sunday 15 September 2024


Copyright DC COMICS

Guess what, Crivs?  It's been over 2 and-a-half years since the previous post in this series, and 8 years since the first one.  I can only scan in small 'doses' as I find it too wearying having to stand up while doing so, and I have to empty a drawer in a filing cabinet to get to my Secret Origins issues, and then put them back again when I've finished.  I therefore scan them in limited batches to make it slightly less onerous, but I have some good news for you.  Although you see only 5 issues in this post, I scanned 10, so I have a batch in-hand for the next entry.  That leaves only 10 issues of the original series to go, plus 3 Annuals and one Special.  So - nearly there then.

I chose pages with (hopefully) a bit of impact or with the story title on them, so the first page of each strip isn't always included.  The ones I've used though, should perhaps whet your appetite if you're of a mind to hunt any of them down on eBay.  To be honest, the majority of tales and characters are less than impressive, and one day I may whittle down the set to include only the ones that interest me.  Then again, maybe not.  (Perhaps I should read them all first, eh?)

Anyway, enjoy the piccies and be sure to leave a comment, even if it's only to tell me I need to get a haircut and lose some weight.  Hey, I don't care, just so long as you comment.


Colin Jones said...

Booster Gold is a weird name for a superhero so I did some investigating on Wikipedia. Apparently he's from the future and his name is due to President Reagan getting confused (which was nothing new for poor old Ronnie).

I see that Icemaiden makes ice bridges just like Marvel's Iceman.

Kid said...

Booster Gold sounds like a chocolate biscuit to me, CJ. One thing this series did was remind me just how many DC characters are Z-list.

Kid said...

It seems like Crivvies find these posts on Secret Origins about as interesting as I found the issues themselves - 'not very'.

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