Friday 13 September 2024


 Wish I'd a skirt like Valerie's,
Crivs - and also a gal like her to fill
 it.  Don't really want much, do I?


Rip Jagger said...

That era of fashion is my favorite.

Kid said...

Alas, when it comes to the way I dress, fashion and me have always been strangers, RJ.

Colin Jones said...

I thought VL was fine in Carry On Girls and Blood From The Mummy's Tomb so it's strange she didn't star in any more films.

Kid said...

She was in another four Carry Ons, CJ, though one of them might've been a TV Special. And she's been in quite a few movies as well - like The Wild Geese, The Italian Job, etc.

Colin Jones said...

Yes, but in the two films I mentioned VL had a big central role with plenty of screentime. In the other films she only had small parts didn't she? When I think of Valerie Leon it's those two films that immediately come to mind not any other film. You call her a Bond girl but I can't even remember what Bond film she was actually in.

Kid said...

I don't think the words 'small parts' can be aptly applied to Val, CJ. In fact, she's more than amply endowed. (See what I did there?) She's been in a few movies, none of which I recall seeing, so I don't know how large her role was in any of them. As for Bond movies, she was in The Spy Who Loved Me and Never Say Never Again.

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