Thursday 20 June 2024


Copyright BBC TV and the Estate of TERRY NATION

Regular Crivs will probably know that I'm a big Daleks fan.  I must have several hundred of them in various shapes and sizes and from different years and decades, but I'm particularly fond of the Marx Toys Dalek Rolykins from the '60s.

I've just added a second black one to my collection, making them seven in total - not counting the eight or so of the Product Enterprise Rolykins revival from the late '90s - early '00s, which I also own.  The new ones aren't featured here - I'll probably show them in a future post.

I have boxes for six of the above wee chaps, though I've forgotten where they're stored at the moment, but when I find them (not that I'm going to be searching for them with any great urgency) I'll add them to the post.

Anyone remember the Dalek Rolykins, and are there any Crivs who have any in their collections?  Do tell.  Get those fingers typing.  (And don't forget to click on pic to enlarge.)


Rip Jagger said...

The Daleks are great baddies and I look forward to their nigh inevitable return in each new Doctor Who series. My favorite Doctor Who opponents are the Cybermen followed by the Sontarans. But the Daleks are the weirdest.

Kid said...

And, in my view, the BEST, RJ. (I may well marry one.) Sadly, I won't be watching Dr. Who again while all this 'woke' pish is going on, so I won't see The Daleks should they reappear before then.

baggsey said...

Yup - had one of each of the grey, red and black Rolykins daleks, along with the boxes. Where they went is long lost in the mists of time... I also had the "World Cup Willie" (not a social disease incurred by footie fans, I hope) Rolykins from 1966 - alas also long gone.
I look forward to your post showing the boxes.

Kid said...

I can't remember if I ever had the World Cup Willie Rolykin, though I may have had a figure of some kind (keyring maybe). However, that would've been considered unusual in Scotland as it was a symbol of England's victory. (Not that I subscribe to such anti-English sentiments, B.)

Once I uncover those boxes, I'll be sure to post them here. Trouble is, I don't even know where to begin to look.

Colin Jones said...

Kid, I know you've boycotted Dr Who but I thought you'd like to know that Ruby (Millie Gibson) has now left the series.

Kid said...

Even more reason NOT to watch the show now then, eh, CJ? For those that WERE watching, that is.

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