Classic comics for you to salivate over...
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Everybody here? Okay then, let's get on with part two of this particular Alpha Flight cover and splash page gallery, which I know you've all been eagerly anticipating. (Er, that's right, isn't it?) I could pad out this intro by pretending I'm saying something pertinent and worthwhile, but we all know that isn't true and that you're dying to get to the pictures - anything to get away from my weary waffle, eh? Well, no point hanging around then, get to it. And if you have a favourite story (assuming you read them back in the day), be sure to tell us all what it is in the comments section. For Part One, click here, for Part Three, click here.
I've never read Alpha Flight but I notice that none of the corner boxes look the same from issue to issue.
That's so everyone gets a turn in the spotlight, CJ. They have a good agent.
Nice art as always by Byrne. I can’t recall ever reading an issue of Alpha Flight either although issue 17's cover looks familiar. Is John Byrne still working in comics I can’t recall seeing his work in years although granted, I don’t buy many new comics now.
I last saw his work a few years ago in a mag by IDW, McS, but I seem to vaguely recall reading somewhere that he'd retired from comics because he was finding it difficult to draw for some reason. Unless I'm mixing him up with another artist.
That might have been George Perez I think he has sight issue brought on by diabetes and as a result he recently retired. It would be a shame if Byrne has retired as well though.
That rings a bell, McS, so you're most likely right. Yeah, it would be good if Byrne was still working, and as I said earlier, I'd really love to see him back on FF.
Have not read these comics since they came out but they look great.The splash pages remind me of that time when you could not wait to see that months comics.It was a time of high excitement and expectation and I was rarely disappointed.That feeling is gone and sadly I am the poorer for it.Must look those issues up for a re-read.Makes you appreciate just how good Byrne was!!Stay well Kid and continue your fine work.The government should award you a grant for keeping us all sane in the midst of this crisis.Arise Sir Kid perhaps?
Hey, anyone wants to throw money my way, I ain't gonna knock it back, TF. Sir Kid? Dunno about that, I'm not really into royally-bestowed 'titles' that elevate one person above others. I'll just settle for Mr. Kid on formal occasions. Yeah, I'm planning re-reading these comics myself before I put them away again - I'm sure I enjoyed them first time around. I wasn't really a fan of any of the characters, but Byrne had a way of making them seeing interesting. Thanks for the fine comments, TF.
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