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Remember the 1969 song 'SUGAR SUGAR' by The ARCHIES? In 1977, the famous HONEY MONSTER released a cover version of it, but don't ask me what position it reached in the charts 'cos I don't have a Scooby. (Did a quick search, but could find no info.) I bought it though, and still have the single in the same condition as when I acquired it back in '77, cover and all. Was doing some shifting about in one of my rooms earlier and rediscovered it in a box along with a pile of other singles, and thought you might like to see it.
SUGAR PUFFS was first launched by QUAKER OATS back in 1957 with JEREMY The BEAR as mascot, but Honey Monster replaced him around 1976/'77 (sources vary). At first, Jeremy was a cartoon bear, but eventually a real one was used, though apparently it ripped its keeper's arm off. That's maybe why the decision was made to bring Honey in. The owner of the cereal - as well as its name - has changed more than once over the years, but it's reassuring to still see Honey's face staring out from the supermarket shelves whenever I'm doing my shopping (only on the servants' day off, mind) after all these years. Long may it be so.
And below is Honey Monster with actor HENRY McGEE (comedian BENNY HILL's sidekick) in a 1976 TV ad for Sugar Puffs, these days known as Honey Monster Wheat Puffs. (Note that, in the ad, Jeremy The Bear still adorns the box as mascot. That would soon change as Honey's popularity increased.)
And just in case you were wondering how the song sounded as performed by Honey Monster, below is another TV ad of an earlier 'customised' version of it, which proved so popular it led to the release of the 1977 single - though featuring the original 1969 lyrics, not the amended ones in the ad. Catchy, eh?