Saturday, 15 March 2025


You may remember me wittering on about POWER RECORDS some years back, and their Comicbook and record set of The FANTASTIC FOUR #126 ("The WAY It BEGAN!")  Well, rather than wear out the record by playing it, in 2014 I transferred the audio on to my computer and thence to CD, clever chappie that I am.  I even copied the record label to provide one for the disc, and I'm well-chuffed with it.

Now, here's the good news (maybe).  I did a few trial and error runs on getting the label just as I wanted it and therefore have excess copies of the disc - four to be precise.  If you'd like a free copy, just leave your name and address in the comments section - don't worry, I won't publish them - and I'll send you a copy at my own expense.  Also, your details won't be passed on to anyone and will be deleted from my files once I've addressed the jiffy bag.

The disc contains two versions of the record - the original one, plus one with the page bleeps edited out (no gaps) so that it sounds like a radio play.  If you've bought the mag, but have long-since lost the record, here's a chance to replace it with a brand-spanking new CD.  It's also been processed to reduce the record crackle, so it probably sounds better than you've ever heard it before.  So, it really is that simple - if you want a copy, just let me know.  Remember  though - it's first come, first served, so better be quick!  (UK Crivs only, I'm afraid.)


To reiterate - there really is no catch, hidden or otherwise.  Your name and address won't be used for any other purpose, won't be shared or passed on to any other parties, and won't be stored by me for future use in relation to anything else.  I delete the info right after I address the envelope.  Honest, you have absolutely nothing to lose and a free CD to gain.


Fantastic Four follower said...

Just forwarded my name and address.Best wishes and thank you.

Kid said...

I'll get it into the post on Monday or Tuesday, TF. Let me know when it arrives, will you? Ta.

Monty said...

That's a lovely thought, Kid and I would always be interested in a freebie but I think there are other Crivvies who are bigger FF fans than myself and would appreciate it more so I'll sit this one out. Nevertheless I was intrigued in the audio and delighted to find another thoughtful soul has uploaded it to YouTube so I'll have a listen when I get a moment. By the way, hurry with the postage because the stamps go up in April. I bought a book today to beat the increase.

Kid said...

If you type 'Power Records Presents: The Fantastic Four - "The Way It Began!"...' into my blog's search box, you'll find those YouTube links, M. I'll be sending TF's CD at the beginning of the week, so the price of stamps won't have increased yet.

McSCOTTY said...

Grateful if you could just send me that first issue of FF instead that you have Kid :) that's a nice offer you made on the CD your not a bad lad at times.

Kid said...

I'll deny it in court, McS. After all, I have a reputation to live down to. (And I'm afraid you'll just have to buy yourself a facsimile edition of FF #1. Never mind, apart from the barcode, they're quite good.)

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