Friday, 21 March 2025


Copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

I was thinking of having some fun with you all by not mentioning that the above Beano #1 is a new facsimile edition and just leaving you to wonder whether I'd lucked out in locating an excellent condition original, but I resisted temptation.  It's stapled, instead of glued at the spine, but trust me - this is likely to be the best re-presentation of this iconic comic that will ever see the light of day.  It's so good, you won't ever need an original (which is not necessarily to be taken as an admission that I don't have one) and it's at a beano of a price, too.  (£16 inclusive of p&p - and it contains all 28 pages.)  Get over to eBay and type Beano #1 facsimile into its search box.


Next up (above) is The Fantastic Four #3 Facsimile Edition and it does exactly what it says on the tin.  Indicia in the wrong place again and barcode still on the front cover, but it's still a nice little item to add to your collection, regardless of however many reprints you might already have of this tale.  Apparently, it's Marvel's intention to reissue the first dozen FF's, as well as #s 49-50 (the Galactus Trilogy), so start saving your shekels now, effendis.

Copyright DC COMICS

This one's a game-changer for DC, and I only hope that future facsimiles from them will maintain the same high standard.  Barcode discreetly placed on the back cover, high-quality newsprint-type paper, and - most important of all - every ad brand-spanking new-looking, not faded scans from published comics as in many previous DC facsimiles.  I wish Marvel would print their replicas on the same paper and put the barcodes on the back cover - then they really would be cooking with gas!  Well, watcha waiting for?  Buy 'em now!


Terranova47 said...

BEANO #1 for £12 isn.t bad but the £19 postage to US is. Thank's for the heads up Kid.

Kid said...

I think even then it'd be worth it, T47. You're not likely to see again a facsimile of The Beano #1 to this standard. (The price of the comic is actually £13.20.)

Anonymous as well said...

You've got it for a steal, Kid. The Ebay scalpers, are apparently catching on now... How's your scanner working these days, our besti chum? Maybe a Kid blog feature with pictures. Tee! Hee! (I have to try?)

Kid said...

My scanner works fine, AAW, but The Beano facsimile is nothing to do with me. However, I have featured the complete first issue on the blog before, back in 2012.

Anonymous as well said...

I'll take a visit back in time, cheers! It's difficult to find perfect used copies without damage, scribbles and marks. I'm very fussy, and quite a germophobe when it comes to collecting comics, not ideal really?

Kid said...

I've bought a second Beano #1 facsimile 'cos it's so good. There's only three left last time I looked, so if you want an absolutely fantastic copy, AAW, get your skates on over to eBay.

Colin Jones said...

They clearly didn't choose to edit out the little black boy on the cover of the Beano facsimile.

Kid said...

Clearly, CJ. And a good thing too, I'd say, as facsimiles should retain their historical accuracy and archival integrity. His name's Peanut, by the way.

Anonymous as well said...

It didn't carry the same aggressive idiology back then, and has a child we only would of perceived him has a likeable fun character. Never a springboard to create social division. (Even with bananas in his pocket?) 'I like bananas, and equally Peanut!'

Kid said...

I suppose he was a caricature, but then so were Dennis The Menace and The Bash Street kids - racism never entered into it. Type 'Peanut' into my blog's search box for a couple of posts about him.

Anonymous as well said...

No! Nothing racist about it Kid, no intent! Just a simple character, like many old school characters. That's the problem with modern Comics, they're always on the run from the 'ISM!' Brigade, who feels the whole global population is offensive and needs to be blanket corrected. Supprisedly that approach itself, can be percieved as offensive? 'But we cannot question this, can we?'

Anonymous as well said...

I've just taken a look Kid, they actually erased poor old 'Peanut'. Then they re-printed, with him back in the comic? So it was racist, but it's ok, for now? Bloody Barmy! (All because of a fruit, of all things?)

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