Managed to obtain (at huge expense) a brilliant condition copy of The Fantastic Four #1 recently. Good as the Marvel Facsimile Editions are, it's better to have these early strips printed on good old-fashioned newsprint paper (as this one is), don't you think? Incidentally, I see that Marvel is reissuing a facsimile of FF #1 yet again sometime in May, and if the photos are accurate in the listings I've seen, there's no barcode box on the front cover. (That's it below.)
So here's a question for you, Crivvies - what's the one comic you don't own that you'd love to add to your collection above all others? The comments section awaits thee so don't be shy now.
Kid, I'm intrigued by your phrase "at huge expense" - more than £100? More than £500?
Why are you intrigued, you nosey buggah? Mind your own business (he said, sweetly.) Might've cost more money than I want anyone to know I have.
And on the other hand, I might just want people to think I have MORE money than I actually have. (I like to keep you all on your toes.)
I suppose if it was for the monetary value I would like Detective 27 or Action Conics 1 etc. For interest in the character Spider-man issue 1 and for an emotional /nostalgic link Pow issue 1. . Loads of others actually, but non that would cost the earth
I have a few comics that are worth a bob or three, McS, but I've never bought one for its potential monetary value. DC #27 and AC #1 may be valuable, but I'd want them for their historical significance, not for what they'd sell for nowadays. (Though it would be nice to be able to fall back on such items if circumstances demanded.)
Chatting in my local comic shop, it appears that Marvel will be reprinting the first twelve FF issues sequentially as facsimile editions. FF #2 (the Skrulls from Outer Space) was on sale this past week.
Someone mentioned it on another post, B, as well as the fact that the three-issue Galactus Trilogy will be getting the facsimile treatment as well. I've ordered FF #3 and will be buying them all as they come out.
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