Sunday 12 May 2024


Let's not mince words - the two episodes were dreary drivel, turgid tosh, and pointless pish.  I could barely stay awake through either of them.  They'll have to try a helluva lot harder than this if they want to win my vote.  Thoughts, anyone?  (And the figures in my Corgi Toys Yellow Submarine bear more of a likeness to The Beatles than the actors chosen for the roles did.)


Colin Jones said...

I haven't seen the episodes but this morning I watched 'The Edge Of Destruction' from 1964, a two-part story starring William Hartnell and the original companions. I've never seen a Hartnell-era Who adventure before nor have I ever watched Dr Who from before I was born. I also watched the episode in which Susan leaves the Tardis forever (the Doctor locked her out!) and the first two episodes of 'The Romans' from early 1965 - I'll watch the remaining two tomorrow.

Kid said...

Be sure to come back and let your fellow Crivvies know what you think of those episodes, CJ.

Monty said...

Can't give you my critique because I didn't watch and don't intend to. Your description leads me to conclude that I made the right choice.

Kid said...

I certainly think that you're not missing anything worthwhile, M, but I'll give it another go next week to see whether it improves.

McSCOTTY said...

I'm not a Dr Who fan but I did watch some of this episode last night- mostly as I had just finished a long walk in the countryside and was too knackered to change channel or to be fair play too much attention to it. Like most episodes (not that I have seen that many) I found it totally wierd - space babies, and a bogey monster, a tad juvenile - I though Dr Who was going to be aimed at young adults, not kids. I thought the actor playing the new Dr Who was pretty good, as was his assistant. Maybe the second episode will be better for fans of the show.

Colin Jones said...

Kid, I've now watched the last two episodes of 'The Romans' and it's been fascinating to experience Dr Who before regeneration and the Time Lords were part of the Who canon. I think I agree with your idea of going back to basics and recasting the original Doctor for some new adventures - they did it for Star Trek so why not Dr Who.

Apparently there's been a big drop in viewing figure for modern Who (which is why they brought back David Tennant I assume) so if those figures don't improve I can see Dr Who getting cancelled for a second time.

Kid said...

The 2nd episode was shown straight after the first, McS, and wasn't any better in my estimation. When you think of the original Star Trek's best episodes, the new Doctor Who ones can't hold a candle to them.


The original Who was a drama show (with a sci-fi element), but the new Who just seems to want to be weird and entertaining. Succeeding in the former, failing in the latter. The first Doctor was soon transformed into more of a benign grandfather figure, but if you want to see the Doc as he was originally envisioned, watch the first four episodes, which are a complete story.

Britt Reid said...

I had seen the Peter Cushing Dr Who flix, but didn't encounter the TV Doctor until Tom Baker debuted around 1980 on US television.
At the same time, Brit bookstore chain Forbidden Planet opened a branch in NYC and I got and devoured the Baker and Pertwee Target novels (along with all four of the Penguin Quatermass books).
When the Pertwee series debuted (after Baker), I had found "my" Doctor, who has remained my favorite to this day!
I've enjoyed aspects and episodes of every Doctor before and since, but none has grabbed me like the Third Doctor, although both Tennant and Capaldi come close.

Kid said...

I'm old enough to recall the first Doctor and, consequently, that version is the image I prefer. Pertwee brought a certain gravitas to the role, but Capaldi, who should have been a return to form after Matt Smith's incarnation, was unfortunately ill-served by the plots. I don't know why the producers seem to regard The Doctor as a 'comedy turn' when he should be much more serious - with a hint of deadly about him.

Lionel Hancock said...

I have no interest in todays Dr What..
Having Disney in control makes me even more uninterested in its woke bullshit. Give me a Hartnell story any day!

Kid said...

Yeah, there's certainly an 'agenda' at play in new Who, LH, and there has been for a long time.

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