Saturday, 15 April 2023


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To most of us of a certain age, some of the music from the TV shows we watched as kids provides part of the soundtrack to our lives, none more so than the music from Gerry Anderson puppet programmes.  Who among us decrepit old farts mature citizens hasn't thrilled at one time or another to the stirring theme tunes of Supercar, Fireball XL5, Stingray, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, Joe 90, and, er... The Secret Service?  Well, okay, that last one may not be quite up there with the others as there were only 13 episodes made, and as far as I know they were never shown in Scotland.  (At least, not at the time, but they may have been broadcast since, though I believe they were last repeated on three ITV regional franchises in 1975.)

So, Crivvies, what's your all-time favourite Gerry Anderson theme tune?  Personally, I'd find it difficult to pick just one so it's perhaps unfair of me to ask you, but it'd be interesting to read your views.  I love Supercar, Fireball, and Stingray (which I'd say are my joint favourites), with Captain Scarlet bringing up the rear (oo-er, missus), but you may have a different order.  Go on - share it with the rest of us.  In the meantime, while you're thinking about it, enjoy gazing at the CD covers to the soundtrack albums by Silva Screen Records.  In fact, let's widen the scope of the question - what was your favourite Anderson puppet show, and does your favourite theme tune belong to that show, or another?  (I like to make you think.) 


John Pitt said...

Favourite show and theme is Captain Scarlet (the full vocal version).
Next themes in order would probably be (my heart would be a) Fireball, Thunderbirds, Stingray, Supercar, Four Feather Falls, UFO, Joe 90, Space 1999, Torchy the battery boy, The Protectors.

Kid said...

Ah, I did specify puppet shows, JP, but I'll let you off. Come to think of it, I do like the Four Feather falls theme myself - and The Protectors.

Colin Jones said...

I'd say my favourite is Stingray - I like the opening theme tune and the closing one about Marina (in fact, I was singing the Marina song to myself just the other day on my way to Tesco). As John mentioned Space: 1999 I'll include that theme tune too as it's terrific.

Kid said...

I can't remember the Space 1999 theme, CJ, so I can't say whether I like it or not. Never liked the show much though.

Lionel Hancock said...

The Anderson shows of the sixties were like most British shows of the 60s having a notable catchy theme tune. I must say though my favourite was Fireball XL5. A great song for a great show

Kid said...

My favourite Anderson show is Fireball XL5, so I suppose that's my favourite theme tune as well, LH. Having said that, I also like the Stingray and Supercar themes. Oh, decisions, decisions. (And Robert for Prime Minister is what I say.)

Colin Jones said...

I'd never heard the Supercar and Fireball XL5 theme tunes so I've been listening to them on YouTube - of the two I prefer Fireball but Stingray is still my favourite overall. I remember Stingray being shown on BBC2 in the '80s or '90s but Supercar and Fireball XL5 were unknown to me until Crivens came along.

Kid said...

Stingray was repeated in the early '90s, CJ, but it didn't enjoy the same popularity with viewers as the earlier Thunderbirds repeats; nor, indeed, did Captain Scarlet. They were expected to be huge (first national broadcasts) and lots of merchandise was produced, but I suspect the manufacturers were disappointed overall.

Ken said...

You need to check out Siouxsie and the Banshees and their take on Captain Scarlett! Punktastic!


Kid said...

Tried to listen to it, K, but had to give up. Thought it was awful and the sound quality appalling. However, to each his own. Perhaps if it had been a studio version it might have been better.

Colin Jones said...

Kid, I remember the hype around the Thunderbirds repeats and the merchandising but I didn't know about the planned merchandising for Stingray and Captain Scarlet. It's amazing to think we are now more distant in time from the Thunderbirds repeats than the repeats were from the original broadcasts.

Kid said...

Yes, it's facts like that which continually amaze me, CJ. Incidentally, the merchandise for Stingray and Captain Scarlet were a reality, not just planned (I know 'cos I bought a lot of it), but for some reason the repeats of the two shows didn't stir up the same level of interest that Thunderbirds did among young toy buyers, I suspect.

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