Wednesday, 19 February 2025


Copyright DC COMICS

Do you know what I love?  (Aside from Susan Storm, Salma Hayek, and myself - though not necessarily in that order.)  New versions of classic comicbook covers, such as this one by Alex Ross of Action Comics #1, which recently arrived at Castel Crivens.  I couldn't recall whether I already owned it or not, but decided not to take any chances (when I spied it on eBay) in case I didn't and it suddenly shot up in price.  I've browsed the contents and they seem interesting, so hopefully I'll enjoy reading it when I eventually get around to it.

Do you like this sort of thing, Crivs?  Then say so in our comments section.


And do you know what I hate?  (Aside from pompous, pretentious posers, and [sometimes] myself - though again, not necessarily in that order.)  A third of a comics page being given over to credits that few people are even going to read.  Bring back traditional splash pages to comics is what I say - and do it right away!

Let's now take a look at another new version of a classic comicbook cover (below), again by Alex Ross.  Lovely, innit?  Y'know, the boy's not a bad artist - what think the rest of you?


Colin Jones said...

I like homage covers too and especially when they are humorous.

Kid said...

Well, these two feature guys in their underpants while out in the open, CJ, so that's pretty humorous

McSCOTTY said...

They are both pretty nice variant covers

Kid said...

McS, I just don't have the time to read such long-winded, meandering comments. You're going to have to learn to be more concise.

Graham said...

Those are really cool! Sorry for being so long-winded and meandering. :)

Kid said...

Apology accepted, G. But what's that McS like, eh?

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