Saturday, 11 January 2025


2025 Facsimile.  Copyright MARVEL COMICS

Above, is the latest Facsimile Edition of The Fantastic Four #1.  Look at that barcode box in the corner; far too big and intrusive compared to the 2018 edition, below.  Why do Marvel do it?  I'm talking about unnecessarily obscuring part of the cover in this way.  At least with the 2025 edition they've got the date right (November) as opposed to August on the previous version.  I should point out, though, that back in 1961, although the issue was cover-dated November, it actually went on sale in August (8th, I think), and the 2018 incarnation was, I assume, merely reflecting this fact.

2018 Facsimile with less intrusive barcode

At least this time they've included the 'Continued After Next Page' tagline before the ads, which they neglected to do last time.  I also note that although the 2018 facsimile placed the indicia under the ad on the inside front cover (as did the 1961 original), it's now been moved to under the splash page.  Again, why?  Okay, the 2018 indicia had fewer lines than the latest one, but as the 2025 splash page was reduced in size to accommodate it, why couldn't they do likewise with the ad and put the indicia where it should be?  (Seeing as how it's meant to be a 'facsimile'.)

2025 Facsimile, indicia moved to splash page, reduced to accommodate it

This latest edition doesn't have the 16 extra pages of bonus material that the last one did, which is something I actually approve of as I prefer it to be more like the 1961 printing.  If they'd only reduced that barcode and had the indicia under the ad, the whole comic would've been perfect.  However, there's some good news. The upcoming foil variant cover version has placed the barcode on the back cover (like DC now do) so that's an improvement.  Why Marvel didn't do so with their 'standard' facsimiles is beyond me, but all the mags will likely be reissued again in the future, so we can only hope that then they'll do things right.

2018 Facsimile with updated indicia, though in the right place as per original

I've heard that the barcode is destined for extinction anyway, before too long, so that's something to look forward to if it means its defacement of comicbook covers will soon be a thing of the past.  Anyway, if you want a relatively inexpensive copy of FF #1, despite my observations this is one of the better ones.  Buy it as soon as you can, effendis - you know it makes sense.  And below is an old photo of another issue of #1 in my collection, which is currently tucked away in a safe place, and not at hand for scanning.


Anonymous said...

"the barcode is destined for extinction". Sorta, but not really. It is being replaced with QR codes.

Kid said...

Yeah, I knew that, but although they serve the same purpose, a QR code is slightly different from a barcode as we know them. I think it also takes up less space - at least I hope it does.

lord mikolaj said...

I had a friend pick this up for me, but after your review I now regret it. I should just get the folio society facsimile or wait for the normal sized Taschen edition. Too bad they don't put the barcode on the back. Poor design from marvel! I guess I'll pass on the others. Sigh. Speaking of reprints, did you get vol 2 of he hardcover Stingray from Anderson? I'm looking forward to it. I'll have to wait for their Thunderbird collection so I can get free postage to the U.S.

Kid said...

Ooh, are Taschen going to be doing a facsimile of FF #1? I've got the oversized book, but I'd love a separate true facsimile of a high standard. I've already bought and paid for volume 2 of Stingray, it should be sent to me once it's available. To be honest, I didn't care for the new stuff in volume 1, I'd have preferred that to include the classic stuff intended for volume 2 instead. I also thought they should have had the double page spreads on fold-out pages, that way it would've been a spread on each side.

lord mikolaj said...

Oops! My error! Taschen is doing a smaller, comic sized version of it's comic collections, not individual issues. And the Folio society is having a half off sale this weekend, with individual facsimilies included in their Marvel tomes. And I like the IDEA of new comics for Stingray, if they could lure artists on the caliber of Noble or Bellamy. John Bolton or Brian Bolland or Kevin Nowlan? I've been watching Captain Scarlet for the first time on Amazon Prime US, and am enjoying them. I bought the dvd sets but never got around to opening them! I missed them first time around in the sixties. Sorry I'm off topic here!

Kid said...

Don't worry about being 'off topic' as I don't bother about that sort of thing, LM. A comment is a comment. I noticed Folio's half price sale, but nothing really appealed to me. If they could do their facsimiles to the same standard as Taschen's reproduction of old comics (in their books), then I might be interested, but I hear they're a bit hit-and-miss. I don't mind the idea of new strips of Stingray either (if they had high quality artists), but I don't think they should mix them in with the classics. Obviously it's a cunning sales ploy to sell two volumes when all the classic strips would've fitted into one.

McSCOTTY said...

How many facsimilie copies of FF #1 do you have Kid. And an original, excellent stuff.

Kid said...

I've lost count, McS, maybe around 20, perhaps more - and that's just individual copies. I've also got numerous collected editions that include it. As for the 'original', I prefer to keep people guessing as to whether it is or not. After all, there's no point in inviting burglars, is there?

Kid said...

I should point out that some facsimiles are multiple copies of the same ones. I don't think there's been 20 individual different facsimiles of FF #1 (not in English anyway).

Colin Jones said...

I don't understand why you make such a fuss, Kid, when it's obviously a facsimile and not meant to be identical to the original - do you expect it to cost 10 cents?

Kid said...

Obviously not as regards the price, CJ, but I don't like it when they obscure part of the cover art to the extent that it looks like a bit has been cut off, and when they quite unnecessarily move the indicia, which was in the right place in the 2018 version. Also, if I didn't 'make such a fuss', I'd have nothing to write about for your idle browsing, would I?

Colin Jones said...

Very true.

Kid said...

Truth is my middle name, CJ (he lied).

Colin Jones said...

I must confess that I'm biased towards barcodes as I've always found them aesthetically pleasing but I might be alone in this opinion. When I was buying US Marvels in the early '80s the barcode was replaced by a Spidey face which annoyed me as I wanted the barcode on my comics.

You said we can go off topic, Kid, so I'll just mention that last week I had some Tunnock's tea cakes for the first time in donkey's years and they were nice so I'll probably buy some again soon. I haven't had any Tunnock's caramel wafers for a long while either so I'll get some of them too.
I've also been watching the 1968 Elvis Comeback Special on BBC iPlayer which I remember watching with my father over 30 years ago either on BBC1 or BBC2 so it was interesting to see it again.
There's one small shop in my town centre which is still festooned in gold-coloured Christmas lights around the door and window but nothing else remains of the festive season.

Kid said...

Oh behave, CJ. Are you seriously saying that if you had a choice of a comic with or without a barcode, you'd prefer a barcode? NURSE! I don't mind a barcode on Mars Bars, etc., but they compromise the aesthetic appeal of a comic cover.

I like Tunnock's Tea Cakes as well, nice with a cuppa. However, I'm trying to cut back on the biscuits because I'm in danger of turning into a fat b@st@rd. I saw some lights somewhere the other day, but I'm not sure if they were Christmas lights or those 'all year round' lights that some people festoon their gardens and house exteriors with through the year.

Colin Jones said...

Kid, you hate mint and I love barcodes so perhaps we are both weird!

Kid said...

No, it's only you, CJ.

(Actually, everyone is weird to a certain extent - just ask your psychiatrist.)

Colin Jones said...

That shop I mentioned had all its' lights on again this morning so maybe they aren't meant to be Christmas lights but they do look very festive. Nearby there were some genuine Christmas lights coiled around the lower branches of a tree (not a fir tree, just an ordinary tree) and only the council is responsible for those so I'm curious who's switching on the Christmas lights as late as January 15th.
I've now bought a pack of Tunnock's caramel wafers and I noticed that the tea cakes had lots of Arabic writing on the back of the box but the wafers have no Arabic writing so I can only assume that Tunnock's tea cakes are popular in the Middle East.

Kid said...

Or maybe your shop managed to get ones intended for the Middle East market at a reduced price, CJ. I sometimes used to see cans of Coca Cola with foreign writing on them in some shops, but not in others. If you're worried about the council spending money on electricity for the lights, there's a simple solution - nick 'em.

McSCOTTY said...

I know you dont visit Glasgow very often now Kid, but they are selling loads of these facsimilie editions in the back issue section for £1,£2 and £3 each - I picked up FF King size annual #3 for £2.

McSCOTTY said...

Sorry that should have read issue 6 ( not 3).

Kid said...

Thanks for the info, McS, but I actually enjoy receiving my comics and toys by post these days - it gives me something to look forward to. I can't actually remember the last time I was in Glasgow, it's been so long. The wheeled walker holds me back from travelling unless my 'driver' is available to assist me.

Kid said...

I wondered whether you meant #6, McS, though I think Marvel reprinted #3 as a True Believers issue a few years back. I've got the original issues of both, as well as the reprints.

Colin Jones said...

The FF splash page takes me back to The Complete Fantastic Four No.1 in September 1977 where I read the FF's origin for the first time. That Lee/Kirby origin story seemed like ancient history at the time but it was only 16 years in the past - the same distance we are now from Obama's inauguration in January 2009.

Tomorrow (Jan 19th) is 50 years since the final episode of the POTA TV series was shown on ITV.

Kid said...

I still have my original CFFs to this day, CJ, and it seems like only relatively recently I bought them, CJ. How can 1977 seem so close and far away at the same time? I was annoyed that the origin's splash page had been altered so that a blurb replaced the FF's heads at the top of the page. And I still haven't seen even one episode of the POTA TV series.

Colin Jones said...

Talking of Barack Obama - did you know, Kid, that he was born on August 4th 1961 so in the same month as FF #1 came out.

Kid said...

No, I didn't know that, CJ, but guess what? So were millions of other Americans. Now if his name had been Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, or Johnny Storm and he'd been born on the 8th, then that might've been worth more of a mention. It would've been even more interesting if he'd been a boy named Sue (Storm).

Kid said...

And don't ask me why I typed your initials twice in my previous response, 'cos I don't know.

Colin Jones said...

Kid, we all make mistakes, Kid.

OK, did you know that Obama appeared on the cover of Amazing Spider-Man in the week of his inauguration in January 2009? Millions of other Americans didn't do THAT.

Kid said...

True, but that's nothing to do with a tenuous connection to the FF, CJ. Did you know that a photo of me appeared on the letters page of an issue of Buster back in the '90s? Not that it's relevant to anything, but I just thought I'd throw it into the mix.

Colin Jones said...

Kid, if you're interested BBC Radio 4-Extra is broadcasting episode one of The Likely Lads at 6:30pm today (Jan 20th), At first I thought it was a repeat of the Whatever Happened series but no, this is a series originally broadcast in 1967 which I was unaware of until now. I've been listening to Radio 4-Extra since 2011 but this series has never been broadcast during that time so I'm looking forward to hearing it.

Kid said...

You must've been aware of it before, CJ. 'cos I've mentioned it a couple of times before now - maybe even in response to one of your comments. I've got all the surviving '60s TV episodes on DVD, plus some of what are described as radio episodes on cassette tape, though I suspect they're just the soundtracks of the TV shows. I used to be able to get Radio 4 Extra, but I'm not sure I can anymore. The '60s shows weren't as consistently good as the '70s ones.

Colin Jones said...

I'm not very familiar with the '60s TV series of The Likely Lads but I have watched a couple of episodes on YouTube. I know the '70s series much better and I watch the 1974 Xmas Special every year (usually on YouTube but this past Christmas it was on BBC Four as well). I like the Whatever Happened theme tune especially the lines:
Tomorrow's almost over
The day went by so fast
It's the only thing to look forward to
The past

I think those lines perfectly express how quickly life passes and what was once the future is now almost done.

Kid said...

The theme tune to the 1976 film has some good lyrics too, CJ.

Oh, remember when we thought we had forever
Didn't it make you feel secure.
We used to think that we had forever
Now I'm not so sure
Etc., etc

Incidentally, it's worth reading the Wikipedia entry about the show, lots of interesting bits.

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