Wednesday, 15 August 2012


Aurora kit built and painted by Kid Robson

I've shown both the above items before, but never together.  However, the two of them are connected, and not just because they're both BATMAN collectables from the 1960s.  You see, when I was a kidlet and first acquired my AURORA Batman plastic model kit, I didn't bother assembling the figure for some forgotten reason.  I did build the base though, and when I later bought the LOUIS MARX Twistable Batman, I'd bend it into a rough approximation of the Aurora figure and affix it to the tree with a rubber-band.

I'd love to be able to show you the result, but you'll just have to use your imaginations.  Aurora Batman is glued to his tree and I wouldn't want to risk bending Marx Batman in case his forty-six year old wire limbs snap.

Needless to say (though I'll say it anyway), I've had these replacements for many years - far longer than my original items - but I always get a special glow whenever I recall my rather unique amalgam of these two great toys from my childhood.  Did any of you also have these items, and, if so, what memories do you associate with them?  Feel free to share them with the rest of us in the comments section.  


baggsey said...

You've done an immaculate job on painting the Batman Aurora kit there, Kid (as well as the Superboy kit you posted on another blog entry). I also had the 1970s reissue of the Batman kit, but have to confess that I was very disappointed with the level of realism in the detail of the figure, having first had the Penguin kit which was clearly modeled on Burgess Meredith. Did you have the Penguin kit or the Robin kit?

Kid said...

Funny you should say that, because I always felt that the Batman figure wasn't quite as good as the Superman one (which is on the blog somewhere if you want a look at it), or the Monster kits; Bats looked a bit 'stiff', didn't he? Never had the Penguin or Robin figures, but they didn't really appeal to me for some reason. Having said that, apart from tiny representations of them among a whole load of other Aurora models in an ad on the back cover of a DC mag, I probably never saw them at the time.

baggsey said...

Just took a look at the two versions of the Superman kits on your blog....very nice. A much more dynamic pose than the Batman kit

Kid said...

Yes, it's one of Aurora's better models, B. Have you seen the Monster kits on my blog?

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