Sunday 30 June 2024


STINGRAY copyright relevant owner

You Crivvies will likely think I'm flogging this topic to death, but something occurred to me about my recent replacement for my childhood toy, the Plaston Stingray.  Because it's main chassis is blow-moulded, it's ideal for use as a bath toy, and even though it's retroactively referred to as being such, it's not described as a bath toy on the box, nor, as far as I know, in any ads for it at the time.  It's therefore not altogether impossible that this toy has never even been near water in its 60 years of existence, prompting me to do something about it.

So, according to my diary, my next bath night's not actually due for another couple of years yet (I jest - it's only a year), but I thought the bathroom sink would suffice to finally fulfill this classic toy's purpose to be 'played with' (okay, photographed) in water.  (Classic and extremely rare - it's regarded among collectors as the 'holy grail' of Stingray toys.)  I added a little touch of Toilet Duck to give the water a blue tinge, popped the super-sub in its natural element, and snapped a few pics for posterity, plus for your palpitating peepers' pleasure.

No, don't thank me - 'tis my duty to serve.


Colin Jones said...

As a submarine it should go UNDER the water surely.

Terranova47 said...

Now that the buoyancy of the model is proven one day you can try holding it under the water then releasing it to see f it breaks the surface and leaps out of the water as in the TV show?

Kid said...

Submarines don't always spend all their time underwater, CJ. And there are many instances in the TV show when Stingray sits atop the sea.


If I did that, T47, it would only bob to the surface, it sadly wouldn't shoot out, nose first, like in the opening credits of the TV show.

Kid said...

Incidentally, still not getting email alerts of pending comments, hence me being a bit slow to answer them.

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