Saturday 8 June 2024


Deary me, so the Time Lord is now officially a Gaylord!  Won't be watching again.  Why we as a nation put up with these insidious attempts at indoctrinating our kids I'll never know. 


Anonymous said...

Just what I have been saying. Once the gay minority got control , the show is now made for them. I gave up on Dr What over six years ago and have no desires to watch it ever again. What was once a great TV show has been reshaped into a gay propaganda programme. I guess I will expect a lighted cross burning in my front yard now.

Kid said...

Yeah, it's just not made for us anymore, is it? It's no longer a sci-fi show, it's more of a 'gay-day' show. The Doc has been a woman, now he's a homosexual, next he'll be a transexual. All in pursuit of a vocal minority's agenda to remake society in their own image. William Hartnell will be turning in his grave if he could see what they've done to his beloved Doctor.

Anonymous said...

It's me LH by the way . Why anonymous I don't know

lord mikolaj said...

Thanks for the update! I stopped watching in the middle of Matt Smith's run, I can't remember why. And now since Matt mostly does awful villians in his current acting career, I can't bear to go back and finish. Oh well. My favorite was Tom Baker anyway. If I do go back to watching, I'll start at the beginning, with Harnell and Pertwee, and the rest. I just am not interested in the current social reimaginings of classic characters, in movies, tv or comics. I rarely buy any of my old favorite superheroes, as I am usually disappointed. At least I have the facsimiles to look forward to!

Rip Jagger said...

I'm not wild about this new version because I think the few episodes I watched felt a bit too cute, and so undermined the suspense. Every Doctor takes some time (no pun intended) to get used to. So, that's just a thing I've come to expect.

But we've had had old Doctors, young Doctors, lady Doctors, an abundance of white Doctors, and I bet you a gay Doctor or two along the way. (Watch Colin Baker's episodes again.) They just decided to make that a thing with this one. As with all Doctors, this too shall pass.

I expect the Doctor to change, that's what regeneration is all about. You are right about one thing though, it's not made for us anymore. Nor should it be. Old fans are great to have, but you can't rely on them forever. We don't regenerate. And for the record, the Doctor is already a transexual.

Kid said...

Thought it was you anyway, LH, 'cos you said 'Dr. What'. More like 'Dr. What the f*ck have they done to him'.


That's all we have now to 'look forward' to, LM - reprints and repeats. Talking of which, have you got the Mad #1 facsimile? It's very nice.


Yeah, but the actor who plays him isn't, RJ. Probably will be one day though. I remember when TV and movie heroes were heroes you could look up to, not some big jessie who fancies men. Time for a Dalek to become the Doctor.

timeslip said...

i am 73,straight and white and have followed you for quite some time.
not anymore.
I am disgusted with your victorian ideas.
And those of the people who commented positively about your .
Keep up with real life.

Colin Jones said...

In my opinion the Doctor shouldn't have sexual feelings, either gay or straight, but "indoctrinating our kids" is a bit strong. I doubt whether the kids who watch Dr Who could care less if he kisses another man or not - it probably passes right over their heads and modern Who seems to be made for adults rather than kids anyway. I watched the latest episode this morning and it was totally absurd that a black man would be treated as an equal in the high-society of 1813 - slavery still existed in 1813 so we're hardly talking accuracy here! Like you, Kid, I'd prefer the Doctor to be a mysterious time-traveller and for the show to get back to basics and concentrate purely on sci-fi with no sexual overtones, either gay or straight, but the BBC has made its' decision and if the ratings suffer they must deal with it.

By the way, the episode ended with a tribute to William Russell who played the first companion Ian and who died on June 3rd - I'm surprised you didn't mention his death in your post.

There's a connection between Dr Who and Nigel Farage's attempt to become MP for Clacton in the general election. The sitting MP for Clacton is called Giles Watling and his sister, Deborah Watling, was an actress who played the Dr Who companion Victoria in the late '60s.

Kid said...

No, 'timeslip', because if you'd 'followed' me for some time, you'd know my 'Victorian' ideas have long been a part of me. And even if you're genuine, what you're admitting to is that you can't abide anyone seeing things differently from you, which means you're small-minded, whereas I allow people to express their dissent with my views. More likely, however, you erroneously imagine that I'll be the slightest bit put out by losing a reader, which is why you've assumed your deceitful approach.


Yes, I saw the tribute to William Russell, CJ, but because of too-quick a fade-out, it was almost a blink and you'd miss it thing. I'd intended to mention his demise, but though the spirit is willing, just like the flesh, it's also weak. It's interesting that, hitherto, with the odd sly hint otherwise, the Doctor has been largely 'asexual' in his previous incarnations, but now his first overt sexual response is a gay one. That's no accident, that's an agenda, which is why I stand by my description of 'indoctrination'.

lord mikolaj said...

Kid, I haven't got the Mad yet but plan to get it, even tho I have the two Cochran Mad libraries, and maybe another reprint somewhere. I try not to buy too many comics but an addiction is an addiction and I will succumb at some point. I've run out of room and need to get rid of some things on ebay, but it is such a hassle selling there sometimes. I was in a store the other day, and they had marked down a new Mego Shazam, so I bought it, then my wife said later I already had the old one! Sigh. I plan on turning the old one (incomplete) into a different character...if I ever get the time! But I'm rambling now, ain't I?

Kid said...

You ramble away anytime you want, LM - I do it constantly. I've got the boxed set of four Cochran Mad volumes reprinting the first 23 comicbooks, DC's several issue series reprinting the same tales, plus the Millennium Edition of Mad #1. I've bought back issue comics I've been meaning to get for some time, only to find I'd already bought them and then forgotten. That's what happens as you get older - the old, er... what's it called again... starts to go.

Chaz said...

So when Doctor Who was a good looking woman you stopped watching it, but now he's a gay man you're watching it again then complaining about the gayness. Is your Tardis a closet?

Kid said...

Just like an idiot to misrepresent the actual facts in order to make a cheap (and predictable) jibe, isn't it? What part of me saying I won't be watching the show again now that it's been confirmed (beyond mere speculation) that Dr. Who is definitely gay did you not understand? Is your Tardis (like your mind) a toilet?

(Why do these idiots try and match wits with me when they're clearly only half-equipped?)

Chaz said...

It was obvious he was playing it gay last year as soon as he was running around in his pants calling people honey.

Kid said...

May have been obvious to you 'cos you're probably cut from the same cloth, but though he was decidedly camp, I'd hoped that was all there was to it. And I don't mind the actor being gay (that's his business), but the Doctor definitely shouldn't be (nor should he be a woman). The tonsil hockey confirmed my growing suspicions so I haven't watched it since, nor will I again. In fact, I didn't even watch every new episode up until the 'offending' one.

So is that how you react to everyone who isn't pro-gay - by insinuating they're a poof? Grow the feck up.

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