Monday 21 November 2016


Brrrrrrr!  It's freezing today, so here's
a pic of ravishing RAQUEL WELCH to warm
the cockles of your heart.  Any other body parts
affected are purely a pleasant bonus.  Aren't I
good to you, Crivvies?  (O yes I am!)


moonmando said...

Ooh,err...I feel a sudden rushing of blood,and it ain't no nosebleed!

Kid said...

That time again, Moony? Thought you'd be too old for those sort of problems.

Phil S said...

OH mama. San Diego native. I spoke to Dawn Wells ( Mary Ann from Gilligan's island ) at a convention and she said that Raquel came to an audition for the the part of Mary Ann.
There's a clip of Raquel on an old TV game shoe, I think it's What's my Line. When she leaves every single person turns and looks at her. She had stardom written all over her.

Kid said...

She had my 'phone number written all over her the last time I ran into her. Still hasn't called.

TC said...

I can easily imagine Raquel as Ginger, but not as Mary Ann. But then, the audition would have been before she was a major star. She would not have had a glamorous bombshell image until a couple of years later.

Kid said...

I don't know who Mary Ann is, never having seen the show, but it's often difficult to imagine someone else in a role made famous by another actor, I suppose. And sometimes not, as in the case of Ginger.

Phil S said...

Oh mommy. Ok the one and only Dawn Wells aka Mary Ann.

Kid said...

Took a look - what a honey. She may pop up as a Babe of the Day sometime.

Colin Jones said...

Kid, I'd never seen Gilligan's Island either but I watched a couple of episodes on YouTube a few months ago...that YouTube thingy is very handy.

Kid said...

I'd heard of it of course, as it's a TV legend in America, and I've seen it mentioned in comics down through the years - just never seen an episode. Maybe one day.

Phil S said...

Gilligan's Island. Is it good? No but it's good tv. You watch it have some laughs and forget your troubles. If you watch it critically, forget about it. What's interesting is Mary Ann got more fan mail than Ginger. Actress Tina Louise was quite a good singer .

Kid said...

Took a listen, PS. Yeah, she's not a bad chanter at all. I might feature that on the blog one day soon.

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