Tuesday 1 November 2016


Now JULIE EGE is what
I call a woman.  If only she'd call
 me, I'd be a very happy man!


B Smith said...

Well, if you can't have La Duxbury, and Ms Munro is out of reach....this lady will definitely hit that spot that others can't.

Kid said...

Yup, BS, she's certainly got the Ege. (That only works if her surname rhymes with 'edge'. Does it?)

B Smith said...

I believe it does (I was actually going to work your little wordplay into my original comment, but thought "Nah, that's the sort of thing the Kid would do...")

Kid said...

You surely meant to say "That's the sort of CLEVER thing the Kid would do...", BS.

Anonymous said...

I've also wondered about how to pronounce her name - Edge ? Eggy ? Egga ? She's Scandinavian so it could be anything.

Kid said...

I've always pronounced it 'edge', CJ, but I was never 100% sure to be honest.

Jeffrey Crawley said...

Hi Kid, I just did an on-line query on how to pronounce Julie Ege & it came up with the following answer [according to imdb] "she pronounced her name as eg-gay, not edge". Hope this helps.

Jeff Crawley

Kid said...

Thanks, JC. That means I've got eggy on my face with regard to pronunciation, eh?

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