Monday 7 November 2016


Here's one of my favourite Babes
from the 1970s - DANA GILLESPIE.
And the odd-looking bloke with the beret
BOWIE?  Nah!  Don't be so ridiculous
now - it just couldn't be.)


paul Mcscotty said...

First time I ve seen that pic of Bowie and Dana Gillespie, they mst only have been in their late teens very early 20s then. Can't say I know too much about Ms Gillespie other than she appeared on a few Bowie (and thers) tracks and is a pretty decent folk and blues singer.

Kid said...

I think I first became aware of her around the time she appeared in that Doug McClure movie (whose name escapes me for the moment). I knew she was a singer, but I can't recall if I've ever heard her sing.

TC said...

The People That Time Forgot (1977)? It was a sequel to The Land That Time Forgot. Doug McClure was in both, and they were based on stories by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

Kid said...

Yeah, saw them both on TV many years back. I've even heard Dana Gillespie sing since I typed my previous response.

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