Thursday 18 September 2014


JANE RUSSELL again.  What
can I say?  My only excuse is that I
fancy her madly.  So sue me.


Anonymous said...

So that's twice for Jane (is it ?) and none for Marilyn Monroe. Kid, the big day is here - have you cast your vote for YES - oops, I mean NO.

Kid said...

Are you telling me you don't like Jane Russell, CJ? Look at her - she's all woman. We'll get around to MM in due course. Haven't voted yet, will do so later.

Anonymous said...

Not like Jane Russell - perish the thought. It's just that whenever I see Jane I always think of Gentlemen Prefer Blonds and Marilyn. As for the referendum - I was reading one online article that said an independent Scotland will end up like Greece while another one said an independent Scotland would become one of the world's richest countries - some contrast , eh ?

Kid said...

If a politician ever tells you anything that turns out to be true, it's a coincidence, so I don't believe either side, who are only telling people what they think they want to hear. I just don't think it's a good idea to dispense with over 300 years of history so that a small bunch of politicians can have a greater profile on the 'world stage'. Politicians are only out for themselves - any benefits that fall on the public's side of the street are side-effects.

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