Friday 4 July 2014


Here's a new feature I'll be running on
a daily basis - BABE Of The DAY!  We start
with jaunty JANE RUSSELL - 'cos I've fancied
her since I was a lad.  (And she does have some-
thing on under her nightie.)  If you're a single gal,
under 45, and look just like Jane, then 'phone my
receptionist and book an appointment - there's
 something I'd like to talk to you about.


Anonymous said...

Kid, it's surely politically incorrect to use "babe" these days :) Have you heard of the recent film "Under The Skin" in which Scarlet Johanssen plays an alien wandering around Glasgow picking up men ? That would have been something for you to talk about if you'd met her !

Kid said...

Who cares about that PC sh*t, Col. She's a babe so that's what I call her. And who says I didn't meet Scarlett? However, she asked me to be discreet. (And if you believe that, I own a big tower in Paris that I'll let you have cheap.)

Gey Blabby said...

That body should be outlawed (ahem).

Kid said...

I'd certainly get arrested for what I'm thinking. (Yeah, yeah, I got it GB, I got it. The Outlaw.) Total darlin', ain't she? Maybe I should call the feature 'Darling of the Day'.

B Smith said...

She may be mean, moody and magnificent, but it's all over between the two of you...?

Kid said...

Yeah, but be fair - only 'cos she's dead.

baab said...

Thats the first time I have seen her with blonde hair.
I would not have recognised her if you had not named her.

Anonymous said...

Kid, I don't mind you using the term "babe" but some would (they probably don't read your blog though). There's been a minor kerfuffle just this week over the Samantha character on Radio 4's "Sorry I Haven't a Clue" - apparently somebody complained about the innuendo and there was (supposedly) BBC angst over whether the character is past her sell-by date. I don't know if you've heard the programme but the sexual innuendo is hilarious - anybody who finds it offensive really does need to get a life.

Kid said...

She's mine, Baab - keep yer paws off. (Mine, mine, mine!)


I enjoy Haven't a Clue and Just a Minute, Col. If they're not been naughty over Samantha, then it's Sven - which is probably even more naughty. And are you telling me that not everybody reads my blog? Why not? I'm in shock.

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