Saturday 23 December 2023


Seeing as it's nearly Christmas I thought you might
appreciate a 'festive' offering, so here's The Go Go's
with their song from the '60s.  Bonkers - but fun!


  1. That's pretty wild, a new one on me. Thanks for sharing it. I just watched the Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas Special and loved the music in that. The story was pretty funny as well.

  2. Didn't know there was a Guardians Xmas Special, RJ. Where would I see it?

  3. It's running on the Disney channel streaming service with all the other Marvel stuff they have. I don't know how that's set up over there, but I imagine much the same. Kevin Bacon is an absolute hoot.

  4. Merry Christmas, Kid - I won't be spending Christmas WITH a dalek but I'll be spending it WITHOUT any alcohol for the first time in many decades. Even in my pre-teen childhood I was allowed to drink Babycham and beer shandy at Christmas so this will be my first alcohol-free Christmas for maybe 50 years.

  5. Ta, RJ. One of my pals linked me to his Disney account, so if I can remember the password, I'll maybe give it a watch.


    Merry Xmas to you, too, CJ (and everyone else). What's made you decide to go teetotal?

  6. I'm not exactly teetotal, Kid, as I still like the odd low alcohol drink (such as Babycham and beer shandy which I drank recently). I gave up drinking spirits because I found they were leaving me with a headache and they were no longer a pleasure to drink so what was the point in buying them. I haven't bought any spirits since August and I don't miss them at all. For Christmas I've got milk (and Camp to flavour it with), blackcurrant squash, two jars of COSTA instant latte and instant cappuccino and a jar of instant hot chocolate.

  7. I've got tea, coffee, milk, hot chocolate, orange squash, and cola, CJ. However, I never mix them (ho-ho).

  8. I'm not drinking from Christmas day until 28 December as I'm driving this year to visit family in Glagow ( localish but I need car)and then on boxing day I'm off to Inverness. A nice cuppa and some nice specialist soft drinks I got at a local market ( not a coke etc fan)

  9. Well, whatever you're drinking over the festive season, McS, have fun. And that goes for the rest of you Crivs, too.


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