Sunday 24 December 2023

And Now, A Yuletide Message From Our Sponsor...

A quick post to wish all Crivvies A Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year.  The tree in the photo is actually older then me so that makes it very old indeed.  This photo was taken around two or three Christmases ago, but pretty much captures the ambiance of my living-room every year.  Have a good 'un, troops.  Hopefully see you all in 2024, if not before that.


  1. Merry Christmas to you and all your readers. Apart from Christmas cards my one decoration in the past few years has been a rupert bear Christmas bauble still in its festive box. However this year I have added three On the Buses Christmas baubles. I will look at these tomorrow while playing my Freddie parrot face Davies Christmas cd. Cheers

  2. I'll be listening to my 12 Songs Of Christmas album - as I have been for weeks now. I just play it over and over and never get fed up with it. Happy Xmas to you and all Crivs everywhere.

  3. Merry Christmas! And a very happy New Year!

  4. And to you, too, RJ. Hope Santa brings you what you wish for.

  5. Merry Christmas, Kid and a Happy New Year. Looking forward to more posts in 2024 about toys, comics and babes. Hope you find Lynda Carter under your tree tomorrow morning. 🎄

  6. Same to you, M. If Lynda's under my tree tomorrow morning, I'll be surprised - 'cos she's in my bed at the moment. (Nurse!)

  7. All the best when the big day arrives. Remember and tip your nurse for all the hard work she does looking after you :)

  8. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas . Hope Santa leaves you lots of presents..

  9. The best tip I can give her is to tell her not to go out in the rain without her umbrella, McS. Merry Xmas.


    As do I, LH. He's not getting up that chimney until he does. Festive felicitations to you.

  10. "And it was...said of him, that he knew how to keep Christmas well..."
    Is what was going through my withered brain as I saw your great photo. My holiday was perfect, as we got to see our daughter for a couple of hours. And tomorrow we will have a few people over. Merry Christmas to you and I hope to read many fine articles
    from you next year!

  11. And I hope to write some, LM, but I always was the ambitious sort. Merry Xmas right back at you, and I hope 2024 fulfils all your hopes and dreams.

  12. You've got three Christmas trees, haven't you, Kid? A few weeks ago on Radio 4 someone said that a fake tree only lasts about 20 years at most before you need a new one but obviously that's not true of the tree in your photo.

  13. Four trees, CJ, not counting small ornamental ones. My main (and oldest) tree could well have succumbed to the ravages of time long before now, had I not decided around 30 years ago (or more) to effect small repairs when and where required - like replacing missing red beads (meant to be berries, I assume) on the ends of the branches, etc. Also, things were built to last longer back in the '50s - it's more likely that more recent (as in the last 30 years) objects have a built-in limited 'shelf-life'.

  14. Did you buy a Christmas pudding, Kid?

  15. Bought two small ones and one big one, CJ. Scoffed a small one yesterday. What about you?

  16. No, I didn't buy a Christmas pudding, Kid, because I haven't got a microwave oven and I don't want to boil the pudding on the stove for an hour but I did buy a small slab of Christmas cake (or Iced Fruit Bar as Tesco calls it). I had half of the cake yesterday and I'll have the other half this afternoon.

  17. I've got an Iceland Christmas cake/iced fruit bar, but I only have a slice at a time, CJ, 'cos I'm not greedy like you.

  18. Wishing you a belated Merry Christmas, Kid (well, there are another 8 days to go until Twelfth Night) and a Happy and Healthy New Year! Looking forward to more of your posts in 2024!

  19. Thank you, sir, and the same right back at ya!

  20. Merry Christmas and happy new year!


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