Thursday 21 December 2023


 Here's a cheery-looking Lynda
Carter to bring a big smile to your face,
Crivs.  She's a real womanly wonder, and
 no mistake!  (Why doesn't she ring?)


  1. Kid, I was listening to 'The Verb' on Radio 3 tonight which began with a poem by the Scottish poet Jackie Kaye and she used the word "crivens" in the poem! That programme was followed by a short documentary about the history of the Christmas pudding - in the Middle Ages they contained meat as well as fruit but I already knew that. I can't remember when I last ate some Christmas pudding but it was a long time ago.

  2. Interestingly, Crivens is spelt two ways - one with one 'v', the other with two. So you'll see the word spelt both ways elsewhere on occasion (though not on my blog).

    I had a Christmas pudding last year, CJ, so I must try to remember to buy one before Christmas.

  3. Do you put custard on your Christmas pudding, Kid, or brandy sauce?

  4. Usually just evaporated milk or spray cream, CJ. Sometimes both, sometimes nothing.


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