Wednesday 20 December 2023



Currently wondering what to spend your hard-earned dosh on?  Then look no further, as here's a trio of comics I recently received through the mail, which you might also like to add to your collection.  Regarding the two Facsimile Editions, the reproduction quality is superb (even the ads), but it mystifies me as to why Marvel omits the 'Continued After Next Page' line from some facsimiles, but not from others.  Both of these issues are without, which rather compromises the nostalgic and historical aspect of them to some small degree.  What think the rest of you Crivvies?


  1. I bought Uncanny X-Men #141 when it was originally published but I couldn't find #142.

  2. I read the two issues when they were serialised in a UK Marvel monthly title, CJ. I think this is the first time I've seen them in colour.

  3. Maybe I'm being literalist, but MARVEL AGE didn't reach a thousand issues. Is it a metaphor of some kind?

  4. I knew MA never reached 1000, GP, so I assumed it had some figurative significance. Or maybe when they published it, they did so on what would have been its 1000th issue had it still been around.

  5. I'm sort of interested in that Marvel Age comic because of the Captain Marvel story. I'll be on the lookout.

  6. Ah, that could be it. So what's in MARVEL AGE #1000? Does it actually cover current Marvel content, like the old mag did?

  7. I bought X-Men #141 and 142 when they were originally published. It was a magical time with a monthly trip to Birmingham to pick up my comics (I think there were around 30 titles to choose from at the time). I think I used to have X-Men, Captain America, Daredevil, all 4 Spider-Man titles, The Avengers, Iron Man, Moon Knight, Marvel Premiere, Dazzler, Spider -Woman, She-Hulk, Machine Man.... too many to mention. I never really liked the Hulk or Thor so didn't bother with those. I remember X-Men #137 was the Holy Grail of Marvel Comics around that time as it was the dreaded 'ND'! Not distributed! Had to wait a good while before it was imported and even then it was an inflated price due to to it being a double issue. It was worth it though. Sold all my Marvel's when I got married, I've concentrated on British Comics since then. A man's got to have a hobby. 😁

  8. I've only flicked through it so far, RJ, but it looks interesting. I'm looking forward to reading it.


    No, it's all strips, GP, and from my quick browse, they look as if they're set at the dawn of the Marvel Age (or thereabouts).


    You're right, M, a man HAS got to have a hobby. I see an original issue of #141 has an asking price of around £90 on eBay at the moment, and that could well be one of the cheaper ones. At one time (long ago) I used to buy just about every Marvel title going (if I saw it), but these days I buy mainly reprints and back issues (with the odd exception, like the Marvel Age mag).


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