Saturday 1 July 2023



Having featured 33 covers of the UK Spider-Man comic from 1984/'85 recently, I thought I'd show you the covers to a couple of Specials I bought several days or so ago to complete them, seeing as they're from the same period as the weekly periodical.  To be able to reach back almost 40 years into the past and pluck something from that time into the present always gives me a bit of a thrill, as it almost feels that I'm returning to that time as well as bringing it into the here-and-now.  An illusion I know, but a very satisfying one.  I'll also be adding them to the images of that other Spidey post as that's where they really belong, but I wanted to give them their own space here as well.

When I saw these Specials on eBay, I was sure I hadn't owned them before, but when I received them, upon reflection the cover of the Christmas one seemed really familiar, so I'm wondering if I may have bought it back then and whether it might be lurking around the house somewhere, hidden in a box or cupboard.  Or maybe I've got the original US ish it was reprinted from, though the story doesn't ring any bells.  Anyway, I've definitely got them now so I can draw the curtain down on that particular period of Spidey's UK history - as far as my collection goes anyway.  Having said that, maybe I'll track down the Annual for '85 (issued in '84) just for the sake of completeness.

So nothing of any great significance with this post, Crivs, just keeping my hand in so that my typing fingers (or should that be finger?) don't seize up - and that's no hyperbole as I'm having circulation problems at the moment which require forthcoming hospital appointments to determine the cause.  I also seem to have bleeding or blood clots at the back of my right eye, so I'm on a list for that as well.  I was given an 'urgent' referral which, I'm advised, could take 3 or 4 months.  That's not exactly my idea of urgent, but that's the standard timescale these days, or so I'm told.  Still, onwards and upwards, eh?!


  1. I remember buying the Christmas Special but the Summer one doesn't ring any bells. I don't know wether it's my memory but I don't remember the specials being advertised particularly well in the comic and I think it's more the case that I would just stumble across them in the shop.

    Sorry to hear of your medical woes at the moment, Kid. 3 to 4 months will fly by though and you can get sorted.

  2. I can't recall if they were well-advertised or not. I'd have to go through the comics to see if they're mentioned anywhere. Of course, it could be that as they were square-bound magazines as opposed to stapled, they were placed somewhere else in newsagents instead of in the usual space for weekly comics.

    That's not even the beginning of my medical woes at the moment, M, but I didn't want to turn the post into an ill-fest about myself in case I scared people away. After all, this is a blog about comics, toys, and nostalgia, not a doctor's reception room. Besides, no point in going into detail about things in case something trivial is the cause, as then I'd feel a right fool if not a downright fraud. So thanks for the kind words, but no sympathy is required - just send me lots of money (hee-hee).

  3. I wasn't aware of either of these specials it I had pretty much stopped reading UK Marvel in 1984. Hope your health issue get sorted soon Kid, take care.

  4. Thanks, McS, as do I. It's amazing the amount of comics or Specials I didn't know about over the years, but I'm only now buying the ones that I'd have liked to know about at the time.

  5. Introducing Summer and Winter Specials was one of Dez Skinn's better ideas during the Marvel Revolution but, like Paul, I'd stopped reading Marvel UK by this point so I was completely unaware of these specials. Best wishes with regards to your health problems, Kid - waiting 3-4 months for an urgent referral is shocking. Whatever happened to that £350 million per week that the NHS was supposed to get as a Brexit benefit?

  6. Had to get up for the loo and thought I'd check for comments before going back to bed, CJ, and yours arrived just as I signed in. Ta for the kind sentiments. Funnily enough, I had another urgent referral for a different matter a couple or so months back, and it took nowhere near as long, so I don't know what the delay is this time. Having said that, I was told it could take UP to 3 or 4 months in this latest instance, so perhaps it might happen sooner. As to what happened to the £350 million, Boris and his cronies used it to pay for their drink parties during lockdown.

  7. Don't ever dismiss bleeding in your eyes! My wonderful wife (just in case she sees this!) Had bleeding in the back of one of her eyes, and we made a trip and got it laser sealed. Then after a bit, her other eye bled the same, and again at a closer clinic this time the bad eye was lasered, and 10 plus years on, her sight is fine. It doesn't hurt much, just gives a wee headache for a bit. If let go, blindness or partial blindness is the result.
    Of course, bleeding in the front of the eye is different...sigh, as we age, new troubles occur. All the reason to enjoy your Spidey comics!

  8. Hopefully, I'll get seen to before too long, LM. In the meantime, I've got a hospital appointment for another matter near the end of this month. And to think I was once told in a medical examination that everything about me (blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar levels, etc.) was text-book perfect. How those days have changed.


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