Sunday 2 July 2023

Sunday BABE Of The DAY - GAIL McKENNA...

Whaddya mean leopards
can't change their spots?  What
spots?  Today's babe Gorgeous
Gail McKenna's complexion
is completely spotless!


  1. Did you watch the King's Scottish coronation, Kid?

  2. Nope, wasn't the slightest bit interested, CJ. Did you?

  3. I was completely unaware of it, Kid, until I heard the 6pm news on Radio 4 but I did watch highlights on the BBC News website later on.

  4. I never watched his English coronation either, CJ. Boring TV if you ask me.

  5. Your First-Minister Humza Yousaf wore a kilt for the occasion.

  6. He's not 'my' First-Minister, CJ. Politicians are all self-serving, opportunistic chancers and I have no time for them.

  7. I have to say. Babe of The Day is excellent for cardio rehab.

  8. I find that to be very true myself, LH.


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