Tuesday 16 May 2023


Copyright DC COMICS

Power Girl looks exactly like my
last girlfriend.  I broke up with her 'cos
she was too clingy and always wanted to
make mad passionate love at a moment's
notice.  After all, there's only so much a
poor guy can take - especially in the
 freezer aisle at Sainsbury's.


Rip Jagger said...

I've adored her from the moment Ric Estada and Wally Wood first presented this different kind of "Supergirl" to the world. Women with her hard-hitting attitude were rare in comics at the time, though soon we'd have a bunch.

Kid said...

That reminds me - I must get replacements for her Showcase appearances in the '70s, RJ, as I no longer have my originals. I've got an Infinite Crisis figure of Power Girl which looks amazing, so I'll post a piccie of it on the blog some day.

John Pitt said...

I think her super power might be that she is impossible to sink under water?

Kid said...

And also to get my heart beating a little faster, JP.

Graham said...

That reminds me.....I think I need to inflate my tires. :)

Kid said...

And I need to post a letter - and park my bike.

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