Friday 28 April 2023



Above, my newly acquired Facsimile Edition of Strange Tales #178, featuring Warlock; below, my replacement copy of the '70s original, which I've now had for decades - far longer than I ever owned its predecessor.  Happily, the facsimile has the 'continued after next page...' lines, which not all Marvel facsimiles contain.  (Which prompts me to ask... why?)

One advantage Marvel has over DC is that the reproduction of ads throughout their mags is sharper and clearer and much better looking than those of their Distinguished Competition.  DC seemingly just scan ads from published comics and, compared to their Marvel equivalents, they're not quite as good as they could (or should) be.  I don't know what process Marvel uses, but they've mostly got it spot on.  Now if only they'd publish their facsimiles on matte paper instead of the glossy stuff, they'd be 100% perfect.

I've used an earlier scan from a previous post for the image below, as I couldn't be bothered digging through a cupboard looking for the issue to re-scan.  It would look exactly the same anyway, so there's no point in giving myself extra work just to do a side-by-side comparison shot - not when I can use some computer 'trickery' to achieve the same effect.

Anyway, if you don't own this key issue from the '70s, here's your chance to rectify that situation by rushing out and buying a facsimile of it today.  Or you can always order one from eBay as I did.  (That way, you don't even have to leave the house.)

Comments, observations, and reminiscences of this issue are most welcome, if you were lucky enough to own it back in the day.  And should you like to see a three-part cover and image gallery of Warlock, you can do so by clicking here, here, and here.

And below is a 'side-by-side' image, just to make comparison easier...

And now, below, the original US issue...

...followed below by the US and UK versions side-by-side.  Some slight colour variations, but that's a common occurrence and may just be due to the vagaries of printing, regardless of whether they're UK or US issues.  Also, the US image was sourced from eBay, which may also account for any differences in the quality of colour reproduction.


  1. As significant as this Starlin reboot of the character is, it's the original Gil Kane debut in Marvel Premiere that really sizzles for me. Gil was at the absolute top of his game with material ideally suited to his talents. I'm looking forward to see how the movie Warlock matches up to the Kane and Starlin originals.

  2. Shows how 'out-of-the-loop' I am at the moment, RJ - I didn't even know there was a Warlock movie in the works.

  3. I didn't know there was a Warlock movie either, Kid - I used to get all the sci-fi news from SFX magazine but I haven't bought a copy for over a year so I'm out of the loop too. I was never a fan of the Jim Starlin Warlock anyway - it was all too weird for my taste. Like Rip, I preferred the Gil Kane Warlock (from the POTA weekly).

  4. There isn't a Warlock movie,as,such. (At least, not yet.) But, the character is supposed to be in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy film. So, maybe you're not as out of the loop as you thought.

  5. Ah, right, BB, I now see that RJ wasn't saying that there was a Warlock movie (at the moment anyway), only that Warlock was going to be IN a movie.

    I recall little about Gil Kane's Warlock, CJ, apart his art on the character, so I'll have to keep an eye out for a collected edition to remind me.

  6. Keanu Reeves plays Warlock in the new Guardians movie, and although not quite the Starlin version from what I have seen the character looks interesting.

    I loved Starlins Warlock comics some excellent themes on religion etc with that 70s style. Strange Tales 178 is one of my favourite comics with a geat memory for me. I still have my original copy

  7. Will you be buying the facsimile to have a handy reading copy, McS? The reproduction is far superior to the original printing. As I said, I no longer have MY original issue bought at the time, but I've got AN original issue which I bought as a replacement - probably at least 30 years ago, if not more. (So I suppose that makes it my original issue.)

  8. No I'll not be buying the facsimile edition Kid , not when I have the original. ( and in a collected edition somewhere as well) I'm trying to cut down the number of comics I have as it is ( and failing abysmally).

  9. There's a solution to that, McS. Just give me ALL your original comics and buy facsimile editions from now on. Sorted!

  10. Your welcome to some comics I'm getting rid off ( once I sort them out) but these will mostly be 90s to 2020_titles maybe the odd 1980s title Kid.

  11. Looking at your comparison of the covers between the UK price-variant of the original Strange Tales 178 and the new facsimile, I was struck by the fact that the UK original appears to be zoomed-in on the artwork and repositioned, as well as the UK overprint "Marvel All-Colour Comics". If you compare the original US Strange Tales 178 with the facsimile, there are far fewer cover differences.

  12. I've just compared an original US issue of ST #178 on eBay with my own UK version, B, and, banner and price aside, I don't see any real difference. The Facsimile Edition image has been slightly reduced, showing more of the background art, in order to facilitate the positioning of the barcode box without covering Warlock's foot. I'll add the original US cover image shortly to show what I mean.

  13. That's odd - a comment I made above has disappeared, but I had no reason to delete it. If I recall correctly, I think I said I was only kidding about McS giving me some comics, hence his 'No probs Kid' response. Very odd.


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