Friday 19 November 2021


I was out in the back garden the other afternoon when I heard a rustling in the undergrowth at the side of the house.  Thinking it was a fox, I froze, hoping to see Reynard in all his furry glory - but surprise, surprise, 'twas no fox but rather a DALEK peeping cautiously from the foliage.  My mistake for tossing some old iron nails into the bushes when I replaced them in the back gate last week, but I hardly expected a Dalek to be foraging for metal scraps in my back garden.  No doubt his spaceship was concealed nearby (it's a big garden) and he was looking for parts with which to effect a minor repair, so I just let him get on with it.  Luckily I was able to surreptitiously snap a few photos with my concealed lapel camera before going back inside, 'cos I know what a disbelieving lot some of you can be.  He might still be out there for all I know.

What's that you say, nurse?  Time for my medicine?  Who are you calling a little pr*ck?  Oh, you mean the injection?  Okay, fire away.

See you all again when I wake up and they take off these long-sleeved pyjamas they're fitting me with.  Flubble!

Okay, okay - it's actually a Sevans Dalek kit that I built and painted myself, but I thought some of you might've found that harder to believe than the first account. 


  1. I'm always impressed when folks actually make the models they get. I have a few, but I cannot for the life of me make myself break them out of their lovely packaging. Stupid I know, but it's my affliction.

  2. For all the models I've made, RJ, I've got at least just as many still in their boxes. However, I keep the packaging (as well as the plastic gutters) even when I do build and paint a model, so nothing gets jettisoned.

  3. The Daleks must be one of the most iconic monsters ever created. The costume designers on Doctor Who didn't have a huge budget but they really made an effort with the monsters!

  4. I'd go as far as to say that if it wasn't for The Daleks, CJ, Dr. Who wouldn't have been the success it became. Raymond Cusick was the man who designed them, but because he was a BBC employee, he was only given a £100 bonus when The Daleks made the BBC and Terry Nation a fortune. (They had joint copyright I believe.)


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